Do vegetaians lose weight faster than non?!

Question: Do vegetaians lose weight faster than non?
I have been Vegan since Xmas. I want to lose a few pounds. If I cut calories would I lose weight faster than a non vegetarian?


I am a vegetarian and following a limited calorie diet and exercising 7 days a week I still only lose about 2 pounds a week so I think not. We eat protein, just in different forms that meat .

I've had a lot of experiences with fad diets, pills, and weightlifting programs. None of these worked for me for the long term. Usually a program that recognizes that a weight control program which is concerned with long term weight control is the only type of program that works. The only place I've found on the web that seems to recognize all this is old crow ink. Try them. One of their programs might work for you.
Good luck

You stopped eating meat just to lose weight?

A meat-free existence is a lifestyle change, not a quick-fix for weight loss.

That depend on your own body.

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