Farina [Cream of Wheat]?!

Question: Farina [Cream of Wheat]?
Hello, I'm trying to start a healthy diet and fitness plan starting today. I am not overweight and my BMI stands normal but I want to be stronger and healthier. I'm trying to plan my meals out so I don't end of ordering out food. For breakfast I plan on eating Farina or Oatmeal. I have read a lot of articles about farina and all the repliers always favor oatmeal instead. While I ENJOY eating farina a lot more for taste bud reason's, I don't want to feel guilty about not making the best possible decisions for my body. Thanks in advance ;]


Farina is fine to eat, it's just not lumpy! It's all a matter of taste, and yes you are making the right decision. I eat cream of Rice, (Because I'm allergic to wheat) and it keeps me full longer than ordinary cereal.

Stick with the basics,
*Hard boiled eggs:no yolk,Egg whites, Lean meats

*Stay away from starchy foods:white rice,sugary drinks,tortillas of any kind,candy

*Eat whole grains opposed to whole wheat.

*Try to eat less processed carb based foods

*Veggies are you friend

* You may want to consider doing low carb for 2 weeks can lose anywhere from 10-14 pounds if done right

Hit me up on my youtube account id you would like me to help you achieve you goal or if you have any questions. Peace


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