Whats best for bulking up?!

Question: Whats best for bulking up?
I have gym experience and know what diet to have but i'm a bit confused when it comes to the workout.
Is it best to work 3,4 or 5 days in the week.
and is it best to split the days into muscle groups or do them all on each day.
I have got some resistance bands and getting some dumbells.


From my readings and knowledge, if you are starting out either spit works outs ( different muscles each day ) or full body (all in one work out ) both will work out for you. But if you are decently expereiced in bodybuilding and have a decent amount of mass I would go with working out 4 or 5 times a week, but ill explain them both and maybe give a few suggestions.

For a full body work out, the main premise of this concept is for the boost of testosterone. You should be working out 3 times a week. To always have your muscles working, but with enough rest time ( this is why only 3 times per week). Doing full body workouts to maximize your hormones and thus maximizing your gains. But since you have gym expersince you proably dont need any more detail on it.

For a spit workout. For example
Mon - back
Tues - tricep + shoulder
Wed - rest
Thrus - bi + chest
Fri - rest
Sat - leg
Sun - rest

That is a basic split, utilizing all your muscles in that week. Giving enough rest time between work outs, and maximizing your usage of semi used muscles in compound exercises. For example, biceps would be also working on Tuesday, because of shoulders.

But for a short answers to your question, a split would be the best option to go with.

If you are looking for fast diet way, you can use my way. I lost 15 pounds in 30 days. If you are very serious about diet you should have a look this way. It is fast if you know right information to do diet. You can get more information here link below.


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