Can you drink alcohol on the HCD diet?!

Question: Can you drink alcohol on the HCD diet?
I've been going strong for a week now and have lost 3 pounds. If I were to have two beers or a glass of wine on saturday and cut out one of my meals will that set me back?


If you are using hcg drops you are simply on a calorie restricted diet.
Go back and read the label and it should state "does not contain any hcg or hormone but a similar or synthetic amino acid".
Put the drops on a pregnancy test and you will see there is no hcg in them.

Watch these clips before going any further.……

Alcohol is absolutely a no go on hcd..... but please do a little more research on hcd before you do it, it is not only total crap, but it is can cut off your left arm and loose 15 lbs........but that does not make it an ok way to loose the weight.

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