Gaining weight through exercises?!

Question: Gaining weight through exercises?
Im 17 years old,180cm (5.9ft) tall and weight 57kg (125,6lbs). I can eat as much as i want everyday, and don't do any exercise at all and i still wouldn't gain weight. Now, i know that some ppl would say "omg this is the wet dream of every girl" well it isn't for me, seeing as im a guy... and just skin and bones isn't considered attractive.
I want to gain weight. Not that much so that i would be considered fat, but at least to get to 65-70kg. (143,3-154,3lbs)
Seeing as eating stuff doesn't seem to help, a friend of mine said that exercising would be a pretty good way of gaining weight by increasing the muscle mass.
Now first off: Does that work?
and 2nd: If it does work, what sort of exercises should i do.
and 3rd: What sort of diet should i have. (food, drinks, at what time, what i should not eat etc)


Yeah it definitely works, and muscle is the healthy way to gain weight, eating a lot just makes you gain fat.
The main thing that you need is PROTEIN.
Breakfast should be something like toast, or oatmeal, or cereal, with fruit or a fruit juice, and maybe milk.
Mid-day have a snack, like fiber crackers, or a protein bar.
Lunch should include protein, carbs, a vegetable, a fruit, and some dairy, just like dinner.
Drink a LOT of water, at least 8 tall glasses a day.
As for exercise, do cardio EVERY day, for at least an hour. (Running, swimming, biking, etc).
Mondays and Wednesdays do arm exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, etc), Tuesdays and Thursdays do Leg Exercises (lunges, squats, etc), and Fridays and Sundays do stomach exercises (leg lifts, crunches, twist-crunches, etc). Saturday's just do extra cardio.
It's important to alternate days when working each muscle group so that you don't hurt or strain yourself.
Just eat and drink plenty, and work out. Good luck (:

peanut butter
protein shakes
protein bars

answer mine?

I know you say you can eat a lot... but in reality if I checked your diet I would bet it will have room for improvement!

with the stats you suggest, you should be eating at least 2500 cals daily, and to gain any decent amount of weight (and taking into consideration your suggested metabolism) you should be eating in the region of 3000-4000 calories per day, which is a lot; if you only ate decent foods (from a junk food perspective 4000 cals = 4 super size mac donalds milkshakes!). plus, you absolutely must weight train so as to increase/build muscle. simply eating the extra calories and not weight training is pointless, and you will just get fat.

that aside. google for a 'beginner all body weight training routines' and find one that you can follow, keep a diary of your progress to help you see if you are getting better or not.

regarding diet. that is THE most important part of gaining extra muscle. the only downside to a bodybuilding diet is that is can be expensive, and only because you have to eat a lot of food! read up on 'bulking diets for ectomorphs' or 'hard gainers' for some examples.

Yes it works, and will work real well at your age, if your sensible about it.

The exercises should be simple, straight forward weight training, Nothing fancy. Allow yourself 6-8 weeks of a break in period, 5 days a week is optimal and try not to miss a day the first few months, unless absolutely necessary, even if you don't feel the motivation, take a shower, and hit the weights/gym, once you get moving, your energy will show up. Your first goal is to make it a habit, keeping it enjoyable increases this, conversely pushing your limits, decreases the chances of sticking to it, the brain doesn't like pain, you can mind over matter for awhile, but it will only get you so far, like right to the point you quit, so be realistic, give it the little time it needs. This works on another practical level as well, your brain and body need time to change gears, to meet your new demands, deny them their time, and they'll pay you back, with causing you to crash and burn. So enjoyable and sensible! got it ? Learn proper form, it's something that takes time as well, without proper form, not only won't you get the most out of your workouts, but you could easily hurt yourself, which could take you out of the game for a few days, or permanently.

Drink water, juices and milk, breakfast choices oatmeal, and/or eggs. That will prime you for the day, a snack at brunch time ( most commonly it's fruit, but anything healthy will do) A decent lunch, protein from a natural source, veggies, and some whole wheat bread. For dinner, basically the same thing, just depends on what foods you like, learn what actual nutritional value is, for now go off the nutritional value on the labels ( but you'll learn over time, what the label says, and what it will do in your body, might not match up, but again you'll learn this over time) and have an snack an hour before going to bed, protein so to keep your blood sugar more stable for the night, to improve deep sleep. ( the easiest way to do the night snack, cook extra on dinners, then rotate the leftovers for your snack). 17 is a great age to start, you'll make progress fast, so just stay sensible about things, and again keep it enjoyable!

Protein is important, but your total caloric count is what's important. But make sure you are intaking good calories.. (whole grains, lean meats, essential fatty acids). You don't have to worry about eating too lean since you are bulking, but it is a good practice to try to avoid sugars and bad fats. Seriously, if you eat an excess of 600kcal a day for the next 6 weeks and lift consistently, you should be able to pack on a couple pounds of weight (some fat and muscle).

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