*** mouth ulcers advice ***?!


*** mouth ulcers advice ***?

Hi :)

I have had this anoying & painful mouth ulcers for 2 weeks now.
It's located on/under the tongue and gums.
2 Days ago I went to the Dr. and he diagnosed it as Aphthous Stomatitis. I think it's getting worse. I tried this Oracort E cream but it's hard to target the many aphthas. I also started using mouth washes & salty water. It is not suggested to consume salty food, so how is salty water good? I am not sure if it is helpful since it stings and makes the white sores more noticeable.

What are some good suggestions to help cure this problem?

I am desperate & depressed... also I have read that 2 weeks should have fixed the problem...

Thanks for your help


We recommend salt water rinses because it soothes the areas and promotes healing we've found. They say stay away from salty foods only because it hurts and they are thinking comfort more than anything. If you get these sores frequently there are "herpes-type" medications that you can take that lessen the effects of these sores.
This is from a website: http://www.stevedds.com/toppage2.htm...
Debacterol, gives almost immediate relief and speeds healing. It is an acidic agent which chemically cauterizes the ulcer surface, sterilizing it, and covering the painful nerve endings. Only available as an in office treatment, Debacterol is 90 percent effective in giving immediate and lasting pain relief. Avoiding known triggers is helpful, such as using the SLS free toothpastes mentioned above. A healthy diet with vitamin supplementation is recommended. Excellent oral hygiene, including use of antibacterial rinses (Rx chlorhexidine or OTC Listerine), has been shown to reduce frequency of attacks. Reducing stress is important as well. Topical steroid treatments (Kenalog, Lidex gel, Decadron rinses) are quite useful, reducing the pain and duration of the lesions.

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