Tooth Veneer Or Lumineers?!


Tooth Veneer Or Lumineers?

my old dentist when he went to do a filling removed the enamel off most of my top teeth. which of course has caused my teeth to become very sensitive and i have like three cavities now. my dentist now suggest i should get caps, but i refuse because i don't want "fake teeth" i'd rather get veeners, but i just heard of lumineers and i was wondering which one would be better.
my teeth are all straight but discolored and i want a white "perfect" smile.


Here's my answer from another post.
Between Lumis and veneers: I have two Lumineers and a few veneers. I like the Lumineers because it has a more teeth-look to them. it's more shiny, transparent. I have these two on my front tooth to cover a gap. The veneer is "flat" in color and if you get a few together, imo, can look like dentures. But before I got the Lumineers on the other teeth, I didn't really notice this difference between the two, so you may not also. The veneer was much cheaper though. I have mines near the back so it's not really noticeable. About $500-$800. The lumineers were $1400 each...just for the tooth, not including prepping it like cement (on my itemized bill). So it comes out about $1600 each. But depends on your area.

The Lumineer required no drilling. So there is no pain or shots needed. And if I ever decide to remove the lumineer, my tooth won't be harmed too much. They say it's as thin as a contact lens but strong. With the veneer, my tooth was shaved down to a nub. I had to be numbed for that. I was a bit sad to see my old teeth shaved down like that.

Go to a cosmetic dentist, most are these days but make sure cuz they are trained to make it look more pleasing. My veneer was done really poorly. I had it redone with a cosmetic and looks really nice. With either of them, they can chip. I haven't had the problem with my veneers for about 4 years. Still looks as good as the first day. For the Lumineers, it is too early to tell. I've had them for about 3 months and no problems so far. Also, for both, you may have to replace them in the future.

For lumineers, if you put them in the front, they will be slightly thicker than your reg tooth. Just slightly so you may have to adjust. I didn't find it much of a difference though.

Overall, I am pleased with both of them. Lumineers come out slightly forward because of how real they look. It also comes with a written 5 year warranty and clinically tested to last 20 years. And for the "real" test. My venners didn't come w/a warranty but adjustments are free. But depends on the dentist. But for price the veneers win. I may replace the veneers in the future to Lumis. With both, you'll have to continue to floss up to the gumline, brush and be careful of hard food. Like if you eat an apple, it's better to cut it up instead of biting into it. It took a while to get use to my smile but I'm very pleased w/the results. I smile more. Friends I haven't seen in a while can't believe the Lumineers are fake.
Ask your doctor which one they would recommend. Good luck!

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