What can we expect at my son's first visit to the orthodontist?!


What can we expect at my son's first visit to the orthodontist?

My son is 4 and has been diagnosed with a cross-bite. He's got his first orthodontic visit coming up at the end June and I'm just wanting to know what to expect so that I can prepare him(and myself) for what they might do. Can any parent, or orthodontic patient give me some insight? Thank You!


They will check his overbite and take molds of his mouth on the first visit if they feel he needs orthodontic treatment right away. Once this is done they will discuss various treatment options and costs and payment plans. They will give you some information to take home and call you to set up an appointment once the molds of his mouth are back. The orthodontist will then show you what is wrong specifically with your sons teeth and what can be done and what he hopes the end result will be and you will then set up a treatment plan. payment plan and make the first actual appointment to get started. Since your son is only 4 I am not sure if they will do much yet as he doesn't have his permanent teeth in yet but what I described is how they proceeded with my son and daughter when they were first evaluated.

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