Does it hurt to get wisdom teeth out?!


Does it hurt to get wisdom teeth out?

Im 14 and getting the bottom 2 wisdom teeth taken out next month. I'm sort of nervous, because I've heard horror stories. What's it like and how badly does it hurt?


Good luck on whatever you decide, don't let other's horror stories freak you out for the next month!

*you have 3 options, from novicane to gas to knock-out and wake up no problem. all get pain meds afterwards.
*they want it to be as comfortable for you as possible.
**get a consultation!

**well, i'd go for the gas!! it's fun and you don't worry.

they give you tons of pain meds!! no worries.

ARE your's impacted?

YOU have 3 options!
1. needles to numb you up, do it while you are awake,
see and hear everything
pain meds afterwards
2. laughing gas! *fun* you don't care but can see and hear everything.
pain meds afterwards
3. Have them knock you out, you don't feel a thing, you don't
remember a thing..............!
*pain meds afterwards.

talk to your dentist/oral surgeon, discuss your anxiety
ask for a valium or xanax for your nerves, or ask them to knock you out.

they always accomadate whatever your needs are,
be sure to tell your parent about your nerves.
*a month is a long to worry and hear the worst case scenero.

Knowledge is power, get a consultation with your tooth extraction doctor, the more you know, the more power you will feel over the situation and less anxiety you will have.

If you take other's horror stories, you will just freak yourself out.

I had them knock me out, my hubby had small roots and had them numb him up, he goes in for 2 more and is going for the gas! and the pain meds!

Good luck, and get a consult, and u will know and not listen to horror stories.

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