Are there any benefits of using chewing gum?!

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Sorry to say but Lala and a few others here are incorrect.

There is definitely a benefit to using chewing gum. These benefits increase if the gum is sugar free and contains xylitol. Below are 2 articles that explain benefits of gum chewing. Recent studies have shown that gum sweetened with xylitol not only helps with or can prevent cavities if you chew it immediately after eating, but it may even have the ability to erase small cavities just forming on the tooth.

There has even been a major study done on pregnant women which shows that chewing gum with xylitol while pregnant can possibly prevent the mother from passing certain germs/viruses on to the fetus while in the womb. That's pretty incredible if you ask me ...

So in answer to your question my friend ... yes chewing gum can definitely have good benefits for a healthy mouth. I'd stick with sugarless for sure ... gum with sugar would just defeat the whole purpose and can even cause cavities.

Peace to you ...


Maybe for some it can relieve stress but apart from that there are no benefits. keeps the kids quiet for a few

Yes, it helps to produce excess saliva which in turn helps to stop acid erosion

It releases tention but becareful in public and don't chew like a cow eating it's cud. As a teacher told me. Enjoy.


It helps keep your teeth clean and it helps makes your breath smell nice. Arguably, whilst your chewing gum, it means you aren't eating sweets, so it can help I think in combating obesity or being overweight.

Chewing gum is quite bad for your teeth, even the sugar free.

My wife is addicted to nicotine chewing gum. It stops her smoking so though I hate the chomping I keep my opinions to myself. She adds flavoured gum to kill the taste.

sometimes if i over eat, chewing gum helps my stomach, for some reason. but besides fresh breath, i dont think there are any benefits to chewing gum.

Chewing gum can help reduce the bacteria on your teeth. It can also help to produce more acid in your stomach to aid in digestion. Though that could be beneficial if you ate too much and are too full, if you're hungry it could potentially cause too much acid which can result in acid reflux and heartburn.

It actaully helps you think... when you chew your brain works more or something crazy like that

nope, of all the pointless consumer products I think chewing gum is the most pointless. It has absolutly no nutritive value... It just gives you something to do with your mouth for a while... Grrrrrrr, it just makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!

Chewing gum after a big meal does have some benefits as it produces more digestive juices in your stomach. Don't eat it if you are hungry on an empty stomach as this will still produce digestive acids and you will probably end up with stomach ulcers.

i suppose if it is the whitening kind. also its been shown that chewing gum can make you more alert, and it has been proven to increase test scores : ) thanks!

Have fresh breath. And you can show off that you can blow bubbles.

It's exercise for the jaw and helps relieve stress. You're welcome. :D

well for me, it helps with my nail-biting habit. it also reduces my constant urge for sugar, and it keeps me occupied.

i dont know if this helps but im an official gum-a-holic hahah!

but along with that, it keeps the mouth feeling clean (and smells better!) and i've heard that it can help keep bacteria off your tongue.

*which remids me....i'm out of gum...*

{edit} WELCOME BACK! good thing u didnt leave hun! that would have been the end for me on here! lol! *hugs wildly*
lol Hi! :D

It's Illegal in Singapore.

Yes - you'll never be short of something to stick a notice up with.

fresh breath!!!!!!!!!

If you're trying to lose weight and you have a sweet tooth, you can chew one peice of gum instead of eating a bunch of candy.

It can also give you good breath

Yes, it makes the Dentists richer when you lose a filling. =)

some gum says it helps prevent cavities and whitens teeth. i chew it to relieve stress.

The sugarless kind helps clean teeth and freshen breath.

...Filling a hole in your aquarium....

does it mater

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