Orthodontic Braces?!

Question: Do they hurt, what can I eat, what should I stay away from, how long do they take to put on? How are you supposed to kiss your bf?

I go tomorrow to get them put on!

Answers: Do they hurt, what can I eat, what should I stay away from, how long do they take to put on? How are you supposed to kiss your bf?

I go tomorrow to get them put on!

You may be a little sore for a few days. Most patients don't report any pain. Do not eat anything hard, sticky, gooey, crunchy or chewy. They take about an hour to put on a full set with molar bands. Yes, you can kiss your bf or gf. If you are getting spacers tomorrow, people say that is the worst. Things that are bad to eat include pizza ( the bread. you can eat the toppings), chips, nachos, gum ( even dental gum), tacos, peanuts, popcorn, tough meats. Good luck and don't worry about it.

yes they will make your mouth sore at first. You will get used to it. But you will have to get them tightened every few weeks and that will make your mouth sore afterwards for a few days as well.
A few things you can't eat are gum, anything gummy, hard tacos, nachos, ice.
And make sure to brush your teeth after EVERY MEAL ( if you're teeth get discolored while having braces, when you get them taken off your teeth will be discolored where the braces were)
You can still kiss your boyfriend, it will just feel different.

they hurt for a few days after you get them put on. try taking pain relief medicine. you can eat what you have been eating before but soft food for the first few days. the orthodontist should give you a paper that has things you can and cannot eat. stay away from hard candy, taffy, popcorn (it can get lodged in you braces.) they say gum but yeah right! i mean, could you go two years without chewing gum? it took about an 45 minutes to and hour when they put mine on. im sure you won't have any problems kissing your bf once you get used to the braces! i only have a couple of months left for mine! good luck! oh btw, the glue that they put on your teeth is gonna taste horrible! you can't avoid it! =]

When the orthodontist puts them on, you feel pressure on your teeth which hurt a bit for me, but I took an Advil when I got home and after a while it went away. The foods you should stay away from are hard, sticky, and chewy things (like the previous people mentioned) because those could damage the braces.
I only have 6 braces on right now, and I'm getting the others on soon. I think it takes about an hour to put the full set on.
I don't think kissing is too hard (but what would I know =P) as long as he doesn't have braces and they get stuck (like in the movies! xD). Good luck getting your braces on!
-Jake =]

you'll be sore for a couple of days. they dont hurt too much until you get them tightened, then they start to hurt for a couple more days. to put them on, it only takes about 15 minutes and that whole process is painless. and you kiss the same way you always do!

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