How much will my tooth discolor after a break?!

Question: How much will my tooth discolor after a break!?
A few days ago I seriously broke one of my teeth!. A dentist filled it in with temporary plastic and I am scheduled to have a root canal in two weeks when I return to the states!. He warned me that it will probably discolor and that I won't be able to get a crown until two months after I have the root canal!. Why do I have to wait two months and how discolored will my tooth be by then!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some dentists wait for awhile after the root canal is done and before placing the crown, to make sure the root canal is ok and the tooth is not symptomatic (causing problems)!. On the other hand, sometimes we do the root canal and prepare the tooth for the crown on the same day, and we don't typically have problems!. It is probably up to your dentist, and how the root canal goes!.

As for the discoloration, after teeth have had root canals, they do get darker sometimes, but since you are going to have it crowned, that will not be an issue as the crown will cover the entire tooth!. But to answer your question, the discoloration will probably not be very noticible after only a couple of months!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your tooth will be discolored more or less depending on what you are drinking and if you are a smoker!.
I think the crown would take that long as you have to be fitted for one and get a temporary made which then they have to send out to get the permanent!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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