Braces tomorrow?!?!?!

Question: Braces tomorrow!?!!?!!?
im getting braces on tomorrow and i just want to know if it hurts or not!. Also what are some good foods to eat!. How long will i not be able to eat hard foods!. Just basically give me the your whole experience of having braces!.

Thank you very much!Www@Answer-Health@Com

look, its not as bad as everyone saids it is!.!.
all they do is but on a wire things on the back of ur mouth and glue on brackets !.!.

it doesnt hurt!.!.it just gets a little sore!.
but after a while it hurts bad!.!.!.when you eat, when you brush your teeth!.!.!.just take advil or something!.!.

it hurts a bit when they tighten them letting you know****

basecally you can eat pretty much anything, but i would start out soft and light!.!.!.i hurts when you chew!.!.so if your a gum chewer!.!.id stick to mints!.!.!.

after a while you start to HATE them so bad, but look, after a while, you see your teeth coming out straight !.!.

i have them on the top AND bottom!.!.!. im getting my top ones out this summer and its SUPER SRTAIGHT

and you know what!.!.!. it was WORTH IT!!!!!! =]

good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Having braces placed is pretty painless!. Later on in the day your teeth will become tender as they start to move!. To be on the safe side take some extra strength tylenol before you go and keep it in your system for the next 3-4 days!. I work for an orthodontist and the reason we recommend tylenol is because it is known that high doses of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen can slow and even stop tooth-movement!. Most recently Imigran, a drug used to treat migraine has been identified as possibly interfering with tooth-movement!. So be careful when selecting your pain relief medication!. You will also want to stick to a softer diet because your teeth will be to tender to chew anything tough!. Also ask the orthodontist to give you plenty of wax and show you how to properly apply it!. Best of luck to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i just recently got my braces off i can tell you that its worth it!. Sometimes, when they tighten the braces, your mouth will be a bit sore and you might have to eat softer foods for a day!. but other than those days, which might be once every 6 weeks or so, you can eat almost anything!. They say not to chew gum and eat chewy stuff, but i did all that and its fine!. The best advice i can give you is to do whatever they say faithfully, whether it be with elastics or headgear (if you get any of those things) becuase the more you do yourself the faster you will get them off and have a beautiful smile!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No need to be worried! It doesn't hurt during the process of getting them on!. It hurts about a half and hour to an hour AFTER you get them on!.

I would recommend taking a pain reliever before you go!. Then it's less sore after-words!.

Some of the foods you can eat during the soreness are: soup, ice cream, yogurt, applesauce, SOFT roast beef, and a few other things!. Nothing too hard!. It is sore for about 4 days to a week!. Just be patient!.

You'll be fine!!! :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok well ive had braces for 3 years! hehe ok well!. it doesnt hurt THAT much when they put them on!.
BUT the glue tastes really bad!.
also it will hurt REALLYY hard when ever you try to chew!. so you should eat yogurt and jello and soup!.!.stuff like that!. Also when i got braces i got a list of foods that i wasnt supposed to eat so here

-hard or chewy candy
-hard pretzels
-ice cubes

dont bit pens or pencils or stuff like that (its weird!.!.)
cut corn off the cob
cut food into small chewable pieces!. and yeah

HOPE THAT HELPS =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

The application did not hurt at all!. But about 8 hours later I felt it!. You will be fine!. It is nothing that will not pass!.
The results are so worth it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

uh it wont hurt when they put them on but it will hurt after a few hours so take an advil or tylenol before you leave and eat ice cream and soft stuffWww@Answer-Health@Com

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