How do you not throw up when getting an impression?!

Question: How do you not throw up when getting an impression!?
I am getting my braces off soon and I am going to have to get impressions for my retainers!. Last time I got one I gagged and it was super embarrassing! Any ideas for not gagging/throwing up!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Mention it to the assistant -- see if they have Hurricaine spray, which numbs the back of your throat to reduce your gag reflex!. Make sure you are sitting straight up when they take the impression, lean forward, and breath through your nose!. Gag reflexes are largely psychological (I didn't have a problem until one time I had a problem with impressions, and since then, it's really bad), so try as hard as you can to think about something else!. Raise your leg in the air and try to keep it up the entire time they are taking the impression -- if you concentrate on that, it will take your mind off the impression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have a gag reflex!. It is not uncommon and Dr's should be used to dealing with it!. Ask for topical anesthesia to put in your palate!. Once they are taking the impression, breathe only thru your nose!. Concentrate on your breathing thru the nose!. This has always helped me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well taking impression is matter of seconds!. So try to hold it and if thats not possible, then ask your dentist to apply topical anesthesia on the back part of your palate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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