Please Help :( I have a terrible problem!

Question: Please Help :( I have a terrible problem
Please Help :( I have a terrible problem
I'm Jessica and i'm 15!. For a long time I have had a lot of medical problems but this ones is the WORST!.
I have dibilatating head, ear, jaw, tooth, chin , and neck pain on my left side!. Please tell me what to do or what this is!?!?!!?

It hurts to talk, chew, breath or just open my mouth :(

Could the er help!?
What could they do!?

There may or may not be a dentist on call at the ER!. Most hospitals do not staff them, and likely you will be seen by a bored intern who will give you pain meds and refer you to an EENT or other useless venue!.

I would advise you to call your general dentist, or skip a step and call an oral surgeon!. They are best equipped at diagnosing facial/neck pain that can otherwise be blown off as sinus-related issues!.

You may end up with a root canal along the way!. When a tooth is abscessed, it can put pressure on a nerve that would prevent you from opening widely!. Root canal treatment relieves the pressure, and therefore, the tooth-related problems!.


You sound like you're describing tmj symptoms!. I would see a dentist as soon as possible and have them refer you to a tmj specialist!. Having tmj problems means that you have problems with your jaw joint!. This can cause pain all over you face and neck!. They also make it difficult to open your mouth!. Try eating soft foods and keeping your mouth closed until you see your dentist!. Make sure you tell him to refer you to a tmj specialist!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to the doctor first because they could always send you to the ER and see what happensWww@Answer-Health@Com

Please go to the ER!. It could be TMJ!.!.!.look it up!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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