What is the best toothpaste for someone with braces?!

Question: What is the best toothpaste for someone with braces!?
I want to whiten my teeth & help keep my teeth strong!. I have braces & I really need to take care of my teeth!. What is the best toothpaste & mouth rinse for me!?

Please don't suggest Crest Pro-Health toothpaste, It makes the inside lining of my mouth come off!. It is gross & annoying!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

"whitening" toothpaste doesn't really whiten anything!. it may prevent your teeth from future stains but thats about it!.

i would wait until you have your braces off to whiten your teeth!. whats the point when they're half covered up by metal anyway!?

use whatever toothpaste makes you feel comfortable (obviously not the crest! ew!)

the only thing my ortho told me when i had braces was to use the flouride mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums strong!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Something like this is easy to use and carry with you!. I will never use harsh things like toothpaste and/or mouthwash since learning about them, and learning about this product!.
Do yourself a favor and READ the information!. I am glad that I did!. I LOVE this product and it is economical to use as you only use a drop or two at a time AND it does so much more for your mouth!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I recommend using Colgate Sparkling White Toothpaste!. You should also use your favorite Scope!. It will work well!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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