Question: BRACES/OVERBITE, helphelp!.
k well, i got my braces on 5 years ago, and i had crooked teeth and a HUUUUGE overbite!. im getting my braces off in 4 days!. my teeth are really straight but i still have a decent overbite!. but i'm getting a retainer, will it get rid of the remaining overbite!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh that's good!. So you're seeing SOME results, right!? :)

I'm not sure if the retainer alone will get rid of your overbite!. All I know is that when my aunt had an overbite, she used one (or something similar to it!.!.!. I'm not 100 percent sure if it was a retainer or something else) and it fixed it!.

At least you don't have an UNDERBITE which is worse because it requires surgery!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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