How many types of teeth are in us?!

Question: how many types of teeth are in us!?
discuss each type of teethWww@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like homework!.

teeth can be classified by several different ways

growth and development
1!. deciduous/primary/baby teeth
2!. secondary/adult teeth

1!. incisors
2!. cuspids/canines
3!. bicuspids/premolars
4!. molars

general location
1!. anterior
2!. posterior

specific anatomy
1!. central incisor
2!. lateral incisor
3!. canine
4!. 1st premolar
5!. 2nd premolar
6!. 1st molar
7!. 2nd molar
8!. third molar


As a child you have 20 teeth!. These are your deciduous teeth (baby teeth)!. These teeth are and will come in at about age:
second molars- 22-33 months
first molars- 13-19 months
canine - 16-23 months
lateral incisor- 9-16 months
central incisor- 6-12 months

As your jaw bone grows you will begin to loose your baby teeth and replace them with permanent teeth!. Starting from the back:
3rd molar- 17-21 yrs
2nd molar- 12-13 yrs
1rst molar- 6-7 yrs
2nd premolar- 10-12 yrs!.
1rst premolar-10-12 yrs!.
canine- 11-12 yrs!.
lateral incisor- 8-9 yrs!.
central incisor- 7-8 yrs!.

Your front teeth (anterior teeth) are used for biting and tearing food!. Your back teeth (posterior teeth) are used for chewing food!.

28 to 32, if all 4 of your wisdom teeth are in, you have 32 teeth!.
6 top front teeth, and 6 bottom ones!.
2 canine teeth in the upper
6 upper molars
8 bottom molars
4 wisdom teeth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


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