Why do i keep getting holes in my teeth?!

Question: Why do i keep getting holes in my teeth!?
i brush my teeth at least twice a day-top of the range electric toothbrush-expensive toothpaste the lot-but i keep getting holes in my teeth-had one filled last week now have two more! have had 3 babies in as many years one is 11 weeks and i am breast feeding(not sure if relevent!?) really peed off about this as i am so religios about my oral health-any comments!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would recommend:

1) chewing gum (containing xylitol) after meals when you can't brush your teeth; this stimulates saliva that buffers pH after meals, and provides sugar that can't be broken down by plaque-forming lactobacillus!.

2) Drink enough fluids during the day!. Dry mouth can lead to cavities, because reduced saliva leaves bacteria to grow in a more acidic environment!.

3) drinking milk after meals, which has been found to prevent tooth decay!.

4) flouride therapy from your dentist; you should also be able to obtain a flouride gel from your dentist (with higher concentration fluoride)!. When you brush this gel on, make sure you don't rinse your mouth with water (it removes the fluoride)!. They also have fluoride tablets for children!. I know you are a fully developed adult with little bone growth, but if you are high susceptible you may want to consider taking them (I don't know how effective this one is, but it's worth a try!?)!. Bone is constantly being broken down and restructured in the body!. My understanding is that calcium and fluoride form stronger structures during the bone-formation process!.

5) dental sealants from your dentist; seals the pits and fissures of your teeth to prevent dental caries!. If the past few cavities started in the deep grooves of your teeth rather than the smooth surface, consider that brushing your teeth has a difficult time getting into those deep crevices!. Dental sealant will help with this!.

6) Make sure you are taking the proper amount of pre-natal, and/or post-natal vitamins!. Pregnancy can drain your body of many essential vitamins & minerals, especially calcium!.

7) If you're concerned about missing spots while brushing, consider Listerine!. This will get into the deep pits of your teeth!.

8) Make sure you floss regularly, too!.

I have heard of people getting more cavities with electric toothbrushes!. I'm not saying that is true!. But, studies have shown they are no more effective than with a regular toothbrush!. It's possible that your electric toothbrush is missing spots (esp the deep pits)!.

Hope that helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you flossing!? Even brushing with a mechanical toothbursh will not be enough to get the plaque down in the nooks and crannies of your gumline!.

Another possibility is you may be consuming too much sugar!. There are some gums and mints available that contain Xylitol which can starve the bacteria in your mouth and actually reduce your risk of cavaties, if you chew it after snacks and meals!. It actually tastes good, too!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Apparently you have a dietary issue meaning that your body is being depleted of certain nutrients it needs to feed your teeth while you feeding your baby!.!.!.See a nutritionist nurse and find out what you need to take to supplement the shortages your body is experiencing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!. It can be your genes!. If your parents have had bad teeth, it is your destiny, too!. Though, you can prevent it!. Take additional Calcium!.
2!. My sister lost 5 teeth due to her 2 pregnancies!.!.!. You are not in such bad shape! It is relevant that you are breastfeeding! Www@Answer-Health@Com

analyze your diet!. snacking on sweets/juice/soda!?

--i'm a female dentist, my third baby is 2 months old and i breast fed all of them!. never lost a tooth and haven't had a cavity in 25 years!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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