2 wisdom teeth getting taken out?!

Question: 2 wisdom teeth getting taken out!?
So i have to have my wisdom teeth taken out from under the gum in a couple of weeks!.
Could you kindly explain how it felt during and after the procedure!?!?


I got 4 wisdom teeth pulled out at once!. My one tooth was slightly laying sideways!. They had to cut a star shape in order to pull it out!. It was not painful until the next day!. This was mainly because I did not take the pain pills!. They made me ill!. Other than that I was thankful to have them pulled out!. Don't be scared! Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I got my wisdom teeth out they were impacted (or as you said "under the gum") so mine was an "invasive" procedure, and I got put to sleep so If that is what they're planning for you then you will feel nothing!.

When I woke up however I was a little uncomfortable, and if that were to happen to you the doctor will give you some sort of pain-reliever so you should be fine!.

For the first few days it was no solids but that was only so I wouldn't tear the stitches, then after that I was eating normally!.

The only thing that was really bad was the swelling and bruising around my jaw bone, other than that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!.

Hope all goes well! Www@Answer-Health@Com

It really is different for everyone!. For me it wasn't that bad!. I was awake and watched the whole procedure being done via a mirror!. Very interesting!. But that's my profession!. I wouldn't suggest you be awake!. It's really not that bad!. Like I said everyone is different!. Some swell some don't!. Some say it hurt, some say they didn't feel a thing!. Your jaw may be a little sore from being open!. The main thing is follow all the post operative instructions to avoid dry socket!. You really have to experience it for yourself!. Good luck everything will be just fine!. Think how blessed you are to only have 2 and not 4!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out!. I was completely knocked out for the procedure but I was given percocet for home!. After 24 hours I didn't need any pain meds at all!. My mouth was a little sore and I did not eat solids for a days, but it really was not bad! You will need 1-2 days set aside to just sit/sleep on the couch- especially if you are being knocked out for the surgery! Hope that helps!. Heads up, it's not too bad!Www@Answer-Health@Com

im getting this done in a few weeks as well i have talked to several different people about the procedure and all but one has said that it really wasnt a big deal!. of course im still scared but there is medicine that you can take to ease the pain !. most of the time they give you vicodin or tylenol with codene!. but i am chosing to be sedated and if you are alreasy nervous i reccomend that you do this as well!.!. hope all goes well, and good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I got all of mine taken out when I was 15 because they were growing in sideways!. They knocked me out and when I woke up I was laying in a bed in a 'recovery room'!. I was so woozy that I could hardly walk to the car!. My mouth was full of gauze (which was quite bloody) and had to be changed a few times a day!. Also there were noticeable stitches in place as well!. I couldn't eat anything for a long while and actually lost 10 lbs! Even when the pain was completely gone I still couldn't open my mouth wide (like yawning) for a long time after that!. It sounds rough but don't worry you'll be fine!Www@Answer-Health@Com

if u have the choice have them put u to sleep thats better and if they arent in a weird spot thats good too, if they dont cut them out thats good also

Drinking with straws or smoking any type of suction is a big no no!!

make sure u dont eat b4 u go in there too and have someonedrive u to the dentist!.!.trust me they pulled mine out a couple weeks a go and it sucks!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

i was asleep with i had 4 teeth taken out and when i woke up it hurt and i couldn't eat anything like all day!. the pain isn't so bad just make sure you take the pain killers!. don't eat anything that will get stuck in the holes and you will be fine!. follow the instructions that give you because you be sorry you didn't lol!. your holes with feel gross for a while and your mouth will have an iron taste for daysWww@Answer-Health@Com

You would probably not feel a thing since they might put you to sleep!.

My son had this procedure done a year ago ( he is 18) and he does not even remember when I put him back in the car!

From what he said your gums might hurt some for a couple of days, and be sensitive for a week, but that is it!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The dentist told me I was associating the pressure with pain!. You feels a great amount of pressure as they pull them out!. After words you're nice and numb and swollen, so you won't feel anything for a few hours, but once you feel!.!.!.omg!. Well, for me I couldn't open my mouth, talk, eat, for a week!. I was in pain!. I hated it!. Drug yourself up nice and good!. lol I didn't!. That's where I went wrong!.
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i had all of mine out in the summertime, and i was worried, but you shouldn't be scared!.!.!.even if you're not :P but it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be!. just afterwards my mouth felt a bit weird, and i couldn't really open it far, but they give you medicine for it!. :)

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

it feels like something is missing for the first days then u will get used to it !.!.!.
i rmember when i was at ur age my classmates were making fun of me by saying my cleverance would be 2 points less!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They might knock you out, might not!. Be warned, YOU WILL DROOL! On everything! The pain goes away quickly, the best thing you can do is not stress over it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Woke up at home!. Don't remember a thing!. Used tylenol and ibuprofen for a couple of days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its very very painfulWww@Answer-Health@Com

same thing happened to me!.!.

idk cuz everytime i woke up i took a pain killer

cant eat nothing hard or chewy!.!. just soup

and no smoking or suckingWww@Answer-Health@Com

They knocked me out so I felt nothing!. And the healing process was easy tooWww@Answer-Health@Com

Good luck

like a small angry man is eating the skin around your face Www@Answer-Health@Com

umm idk my teacher got that and she didn't come to school for few days after!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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