Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?!

Question: Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?
My 2 bottom wisdom teeth are now poking through the gums. The issue is that there is a flap of skin growing over them, especially on the left side of my mouth. My main concern is that one side because it always becomes inflamed, feels as though it has a stabbing pain lately and causes an uncomfortable feeling underneath the molar infront of it.

When its severely inflamed which happens for about 4 days a couple times a month i am not able to concentrate in school and get mild headaches which Tylenol does not work for.

Do you think its the right time to get them removed?

PS. I've talked to my dentist once about it, they just gave me numbing jell, but now its getting progressively worse.

PLease no stupid answers, this is serious and i'd just like to know whats best for my health among other things.



That flap of skin is called an operculum, I had one and was constantly getting infections under it leading to a lot of pain.

Bottom line is, if your wisdom teeth are causing problems (and your pain sounds far worse than mine), it's best to have them out. It is a bit of pain and discomfort for a week or so (the worst part of the extraction is the anaesthetic needle - the extraction itself is fine), then it's better because they're not there and you won't have the same sort of problems. I've had all my wisdom teeth out - the operculum one about 2 years ago and two more last monday (for some reason the last one didn't form).

Best to make an appointment with the dentist and ask them specifically about getting at least the one causing the problems out, detailing the issues that it is creating for you (I only had one side done at a time, i felt it was easier to chew food that way without getting it in the tooth socket). Good luck!

the general consensus is that wisdom teeth are a vestigal part, and if theyre not causing any trouble they should be left there.
Since they are troubling you, you should probably have them taken out. Ive started getting my w. teeth over the last few weeks, and the dentist told me that they were coming in fine, and if they start struggling for room or aggravating me, I should have them extracted. Providing you can, you should get them taken out.

Well if the numbing gel is defiantly not working or is making it worse then you should defiantly go back and see you dentist because he/she is most likely to be the one to answer your question. It sounds like it is painful and you should get it sorted as soon as possible.

Here is a bupa website you can check out

I don't know any adverse health consequences after having wisdom teeth removed. I think you should call your dentist again and get an expedited appointment, saying you are in pain and it's interfering with your work. Make it plain that the analgesic did not solve it, and you have a prognosis. be sure to use the word "prognosis" when you talk to your dentist.

You need to go to a different dentist and demand x-rays. The x-rays will be able to tell you if you need them removed or not. As soon as they being to come in, take them out. Don't wait, or you will have more problems to deal with.…

Get them out. You will be glad you did

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