is there anything to make you wisdom teeth not come in so extraction won't !

Question: Is there anything to make you wisdom teeth not come in so extraction won't be needed?
I am one of those who highly dislikes doctors just beacsue the though make me sick> I have
3 wisdom teeth and I'm 13 and they don't have roots yet. I wanted to know if there was any other
way to deal with them or a way you can make the roots not grow than have them removed surgically? and should I go ahead and get them removed?/:


yo don't have to have them removed now, WAY too young, wait until you are aged 16 to 25.

and then have them removed ONE at a time,

BTW, I had one removed at age 27 an another at 29.

If they have come in partially or fully, it won't be a big deal, whn i had mine done, i was fully awake, no gas, no anesthesis, just two shots of novacaine and it took like 8 minutes to do.

these were the bottom teeth to btw.

like a few days i felt fine.

You should get them removed. It really is not bad as you think. I got mine pulled while I was awake! XD It only hurts for about a day.


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