Having Wisdom Teeth removed?!

Question: Having Wisdom Teeth removed?
For the past year or so my Wisdom teeth have been pushing through and though I’ve experienced pain there’s never been much trouble. However my right bottom W.Tooth is started to push through and I’m suffering from severe pain! I’m in agony when I’m eating and when I’m speaking. The rest of my teeth are aching and feel under pressure 24/7. The only way I can describe the ache is it feels like I’m wearing a brace for the first time again! I relieve the pain by automatically grinding my teeth together but that can’t be healthy or good in the long run?! The scary part is my jaw sometimes clicks and I’m scared my jaw might start to lock. I haven’t been registered to a Dentist’s since I was 16 so I’m a little lost when it comes to it. I’ve heard the NHS can remove Wisdom teeth for free, is this true? I’ve made an appointment at the emergency dentists but I have a feeling they may just throw Paracetamol at me and show me the door. If this is the case how much would it cost if I register with a private Dentist and had them removed? Any advice or general knowledge would be appreciated as the most I got from the woman on the phone is “Take pain killers”.


You can ask your emergency dentist to book you a referral at your local hospital. I had to do this last year as I was experiencing the same pain as you and my jaw clicked a lot and my teeth constantly ached! The procedure itself was done under general anaesthetic so I was out like a light and when I came round I was still numb. It was a bit painful for a few days and I couldn't really eat solids, so soup and spaghetti hoops were my limit, but once the gums had healed which took a while I was fine. The main thing is rinse your mouth well after you eat to ensure you remove any food stuck in your gums otherwise you will get a nasty infection and this is really painful (my sister had this). After I was healed all the pain & aches in my teeth were gone!

You can have them removed for free in hospital or at least this used to be the case but I have never known it to be done free at the dentist I had mine taken out over 10 years ago at hospital but only because I have a terrible fear of the dentist don't think they'd do it without good reason the waiting list can sometimes be quite long though and only if there was no possible way you could have them taken out at a dentist

I had to have a wisdom tooth out at the emergency dentist at the hospital, so yes they do and it didnt cost me anything (uk)

You better get them removed. The teeth can seriously damage your jaw if they are pushing like that.

Wisdom teeth are surprisingly huge and can cause problems if they are growing in improperly. I'm not sure about getting them removed for free without insurance but it is covered if you do have insurance.
Because these teeth are huge and because they are all the way in the back of the mouth, you will need stitches and you will have a swollen face afterward. But it's best to do this now.

You might have two options depending on how serious it is:
you can either have two removed at a time or all four at once.

I had to do two at a time because mine were...disastrous. The dentist put his knee on my chest to tug the tooth out!!! It was a nightmare man. But you gotta get it done... When he looked at the tooth that gave him the most trouble, his first words were JESUS CHRIST! It looked like a K. It was crazy.

Sorry to scare you, but get it done. You can't leave them in like that.

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