Really scared of dental visit...?!

Question: Really scared of dental visit...?
Please help.
I am 25 and feel like such a child but I am TERRIFIED of the dentist. Tomorrow will be my first time there in 10 years as I have a pain in my front tooth and 2 broken fillings. I worry they will firstly be horrible to me about not having gone for so long and also that they will tell me I need loads of work done on my teeth and that I will have to keep coming back.
I can't eat as I am in so much pain and am worried I will burst into tears the second I walk in there.
Can I just make sure they do the essential stuff and leave the not so necessary for a few months time? Also will I be able to choose when I next come into the dentist? I work mornings and that was the only time they would give me to come in for an appointment (They also were horrible about me not having gone for so long) Am I able to say I can only do afternoons? Also how long is it between visits, I have the initial check tomorrow but when do they start the treatment? I cant stand going through this much longer, just want it over with but worry it will all take ages.


Hi -its really not that bad.
The injections for fillings are almost entirely painless compared to how there were years ago.
I won't lie though its not exactly a pleasant thing going to the dentist but i think the worst part is mostly just the sound of the drill.
It'll so be worth it to get it fixed in the end.
They won't be horrible to you about not visiting in so long-your reasons are none of their business.
If anything they should encourage you and be extra careful of you.
You should be able to choose whenever you want to return-its like going to a doctors really where its entirely up to you to make the appointments etc.
A dentist can only advise you on what he feels is best for the care of the teeth & its up to you really then to co-operate.
Its really not so bad.
You can do it..& best of luck.

There is nothing to be scared of! And if it would hurt they numb your mouth so well u can't feel a thing just maybe a little pressure if anything! :)

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