How often do you brush your teeth?!

Question: How often do you brush your teeth?

Every morning and night, and if I am going someplace, I'll sometimes brush before I leave. If I go to a restaurant and have something that makes my breath smell or something is caught in my teeth, I always have Wisps with me so I can brush after my meal.

i was brushing before school and before bed. but i started brushing after everything i have to drink(besides water) and after every meal and ive already noticed the difference in how my teeth look. i dont know when or how im going to continue this when i go back to school lol .maybe if i eat a big breakfast and just drink water throughout the day until i come home....

Two times a day.
In the morning after breakfast, and at night before i go to bed.
I hate doing it, but i love clean healthy teeth and gums. :)

I want to be a hygienist one day. :)

If you use them brush them! Plus once in the morning and once before going to bed!

Dental Assistant

Twice a day, everyday - morning and night.

Once in the morning and once at night.


Every night and day. :D


Morning and Night.

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