Is it considered Malpractice if the Dentist cut my lip and face while trying to !

Question: Is it considered Malpractice if the Dentist cut my lip and face while trying to fill a cavity?
Last week I went in to get a cavity filled. He convinced me Id be fine without getting the shot to numb my mouth since the cavity was apparently shallow. He ended up going too far down and hitting a nerve, I didnt jump, just kind of pulled my head back and shrieked. He ended up, with the tool, slicing/cutting my lip and face. It starts on my lip and goes out another inch onto my face. If it scars, is that Malpractice on his part? I talked to my old Dentist from back home and he said he has never heard of a Dentist doing that.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Yes, it is Malpractice. He shouldve been more careful since getting a cavity filled is a common procedure.

At the very least, you should report this incident to the state dental board (if you are in the US). Do that now, whether or not there is a scar. That will help you establish a record about the incident, and maybe it will stimulate the dental board to investigate this incompetent dentist.

Find the dental licensing board for your state at the Web page below. Don't wait on this.…

And yes, it is malpractice, in my professional judgment. Of course, it is not the sort of thing that is likely to make you a millionaire, but you should at least get the satisfaction of making him (or his insurance company) learn a lesson.

It's an accident, but more your fault than his. If you would have gotten the anesthetic in the first place like you're supposed to, then this wouldn't have happened.

OMG total malpractice, I live in UK and that would be a case to report and take further with the governing body of dentistry where you live.

NHS dental nurse

That doesn't really look deep enough to leave a scar for long. But I would switch to another dentist.

Honestly it was an accident when you think about it, However he should have locally anesthetized it that way it wouldn't have happened. I'd talk to a lawyer if you are seriously considering pressing charges. Though it could be he underestimated your tooth sensitivity or overestimated the thickness of your enamel. In any case I'd talk to a lawyer because they will talk to you for free sometimes. That's all I can tell you. I do hope it doesn't leave a lasting scar. There are topical anti-scar treatments that you might want to look into that will fade it should you want to try them. Be careful though I've heard some aren't really good and would be a waste of money but I hear some are actually really good. Honestly I feel for you it must've hurt something awful. Wish you luck.

Common Sense. Listening.

YES that's malpractice! Please, take this to court! It's bad enough that he did it to you, but what if he does this to a small child?! The mouth harbors more bacteria than any other place on your body, that could've caused a serious infection. He should know where the nerves are by now AND when to use a numbing agent. You were very smart to take a photo of it too!

Edit: You have really pretty teeth btw. And unfortunately the mouth area IS more proned to scarring so I recommend you get some Mederma. I know a guy who had gastric bypass surgery and used Mederma for a year, you can't even tell he has a scar unless he points it out to you. It should fade yours completely.

I don't even like the idea of sueing someone but this guy is an idiot!

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