Please Help! Shaky, am I sick?!

Question: Ok so I am a total germaphobic and all of a sudden I got a tingly feeling in my neck and head. Now I feel extremely weak and shaky and I am worried I am sick. I need someone to tell me whats going on! I dont feel nauseus, but when I get worked up like this (I have an Anxiety Disorder) I start feeling even more sick. Please Help! Why am I all of a sudden so weak??

Answers: Ok so I am a total germaphobic and all of a sudden I got a tingly feeling in my neck and head. Now I feel extremely weak and shaky and I am worried I am sick. I need someone to tell me whats going on! I dont feel nauseus, but when I get worked up like this (I have an Anxiety Disorder) I start feeling even more sick. Please Help! Why am I all of a sudden so weak??

maybe your a hypochondriac

im not a doctor, but go see one. they know 100% wat is goin on

Eat something..

i no what u mean i am like that to calm downa nd did u eat yet !!relax and go watch or read or call a friend tell urself ur ok gp our a pop on some refreshing ice yummmmmmmmy u will feel better really soon hugs janie

Relax. Like you said you have anxiety disorder. This could be just you....your feeling something is wrong. Take a deep breathe, drink a glass of water and calm yourself.

maybe its just in ur mind. or maybe u think too much.try to think positive.or just go and see a doctor...HURRY! the sooner the better..

if you can ask this question on a PC and type it out legibly chances are its all in your head.

mind over matter, do you want to be ill or do you want to be fit and well.

think of the poor bugger with a limb missing or no sight, i find these wake up calls make me realise theres naff all wrong with me.

Sounds like you are getting you.r self in a state,calm down sonds like it was just some nerve problem you wont help you,r self by panicking,chill out for a while and im sure you will feel better.

ok.. don't panic.
go drink orange juice or eat a reese's cup

you just described a diabetic sugar-crash


that doesn't mean you have diabetes.. it just means your sugar count is low...happens to me a lot.

eat/drink something that's high in natural sugars if you can
( fruit is loaded w/ em )

so.. orange juice/ apple juice is good

but if you don't have any... try a reese's cup or some soda.
to calm your nerves.. drink something w/ ginger in it. (its good for nauseousness) like ginger ale or spiite

& take an aspirin

i hope i helped.

Try drinking some orange juice.Your probley getting all worked up over nothing. It might just be low sugar.

In your case, you may be either sick or anxious. If it is a virus, hey join the club, you'll know in a few days if you caught something. Take some echinacea if you like and eat healthy and get some rest. Everyone gets sick and it's not the end of the world...we all dread it but it's a part of life. If you don't get sick with a sore throat or something in the next few days then you know it was anxiety and then next time you feel that way, you will know what it is and then you can just say, "Oh it's just my anxiety" and then laugh at yourself and get on with it. A bit of humor about ourselves goes a long way to enduring our flaws and making ourselves more tolerable to others! Feel Better Soon!

Do u take any medication for anxieties? If u do, u have to make sure that u don't take too much caffeine (coffee, tea, Pepsi...etc) I'm currently on meds for my anxieties and I feel really weak and shaky when I have coffee, so now I cut back to half a cup a day, still feel like that but I need the caffeine.

Sounds like you need to eat

Either it's all in your head or you are sick! Get some medicine, go see a doctor, drink some juice, get some rest----or go out and do something instead of sitting around on this silly website like the rest of the wierdos on here....



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