Do you have a snoring remedy, I snore too much?!

Question: I believe it is caused by eating too much sugar.
Someones giving away antisnoring strips here
SAMPLES of Breathe Right? nasal strips (which help to relieve nasal based snoring

Answers: I believe it is caused by eating too much sugar.
Someones giving away antisnoring strips here
SAMPLES of Breathe Right? nasal strips (which help to relieve nasal based snoring

Hey There,

Here are plenty of information that will help you with your problem . . .

Good luck !

stop breathing

my wife as a c-pap machine its to unblock the air ways in the nose & throught.

You ask a good question. Snoring can be caused by blockage in the throat and breathing passages. It's not something to take lightly. You may have sleep apnea and that can lead to other issues (as the body is deprived of oxygen while you sleep). I strongly recommend that you see your physician and ask to be tested for sleep apnea.

If you have sleep apnea you will most likely be given a CPAP machine that will help you breathe at night and save your heart and other organs from further damage.

Good Luck to you - please don't take snoring lightly.

theres a kinda breathing machine you can use...

Thanks i,ii try these if they arrive.

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