Why is my sh** hard as a rock?!

Question: Every time I take a sh** it hurts like hell. Some times this causes me to yell out in pain. One time when I screamed when the sh** was coming out of my a** my girlfriend barged in my bathroom because she thought I was cheating on her with her sister again. One time I even saw a little bit of blood in the toilet. Why is my sh** hard as f***ing rock? Is there anything I can eat or take that will soften it?

Answers: Every time I take a sh** it hurts like hell. Some times this causes me to yell out in pain. One time when I screamed when the sh** was coming out of my a** my girlfriend barged in my bathroom because she thought I was cheating on her with her sister again. One time I even saw a little bit of blood in the toilet. Why is my sh** hard as f***ing rock? Is there anything I can eat or take that will soften it?

You, my friend have a pretty common problem. I know because I have it too. You have from what it sounds like, chronic constipation. It hurts when you go to the bathroom because your bowels are trying to push your very hard feces through your body. The reasons for why it's hard in the first place has a lot to do with your diet. You need to eat more fiber. Look for cereals and breads that have high fiber content (generally these are in whole grains) and try to eat more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Buy a fiber supplement like Citrucel and take a few a day. Your condition should gradually improve. Also, it is very important that you're getting enough water. Sometimes dry hard stool is a sign of dehydration. I would suggest cutting out as much soda as possible since the excess sugar, caffeine, and sodium in soda is very dehydrating. Try drinking more water or Gatorade or 100% fruit juices. In the mean time, to get things moving, try prune juice or a stool softener (you can get it over the counter at any drugstore and most supermarkets) I caution the use of stool softeners or laxatives though-they are a short term fix to a long term problem. If you're cramping up and you need to get it out of your system NOW, get a stool softener. But once you've emptied your bowels, start making changes to your diet right away or it will all come back again. If the problem doesn't improve in a few weeks, see if you can get an appointment with a gastroenterologist (stomach doctor) and get tested for Chrones, Colitis, food allergies, and parasites. This is especially important if you notice excessive amounts of blood in your stool...a little bit is not too much to be concerned about since if your stool is that hard it is probably causing small tears on it's way down your bowel and thus a little bleeding. Hope that answers your question. Best of luck.

how bout fabric softener

I saw in a commercial this stool softening pill so yeah

eat more veggies, especially the ones loaded with fiber. drink some prune juice. and perhaps best of all you should ask your doctor.

Stop eating cheese, and stop doing your girlfriend's sister.

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