Can smoking too much marijuana cause mental problem?!

Question: she is getting really aggressive..and ...worse

Answers: she is getting really aggressive..and ...worse

Actually, the U.S. Military once did a study to determine if marijuana could make for a more aggressive soldier, and the results were exactly the opposite; it made them more passive, and less willing to fight.

I'm not sure about mental problems, but I do know you lose an large ammount of brains cells (Meaning, if you smoke it for a long time, continuously, you'll be basically brain dead).

I know lots of people who smoke really often, and they do seem to end up very paranoid

depression, problems falling asleep, mental addiction

i guess the list is long... but unless you don't overdo it i suppose weed is the least harmful drug out there.. i read a study once that the consequences of smoking weed are less fatal than the consequences of smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol


when you are talking too, or interacting with a chronic weed smoker, you can tell, something is a little off. They mostly have all the same traits. But aggression?? Havent really seen that, they are usually pretty mellow.

YES - it's been linked with schizophrenia - paranoia may be making her lash out.

Well short answer no with an if, long answer yes with a but....

Seriously though, It can cause changes in your personality such as aggressiveness, anxiety, depression, apathy and many more.... I should know, I went though a stage of it and thinking back on it now - I hated myself.... Its the most disgusting habit if you do it often enough to change your personality to an extreme where everyone around you starts to notice.... Then all you need to do is notice for yourself and stop.

It does not 'cause' mental problems, but its defiantly known to bring it out of the woodwork so to speak... If you were to have developed schizophrenia later in life, or maybe not at all but the underlying gene is there - smoking marijuana can provoke its onset earlier or all together.

This does not always happen, but the major problems I have seen with it is extreme personality changes as mentioned above. This is due to so many things, chemicals in your brain, chemicals in the pot, how often you smoke it... Addiction, stress, the way people start to change their lives for it because it becomes more of a habit.... It defiantly can change your personality for the worse and she may need help finding her way back. First you need to make her see she has changed though, and this might make her angry and snappy towards you - it can be tough and she is the one who needs to realize it, and needs to want to change....

Good luck....

Love always


(To all the people who are saying it makes you more mellow yes it can... and does. There is apathy and there is agressivness - both can stem from the use of this drug and the user can switch between the two very quickly. Agressivness and anger usually shoots out when they are addicted and are a habitual user - when they can't get any drugs they can get quite agressive and mad. When they are on it they get quite lazy, dosile and apathetic. In my mind both are just as bad as eachother, they mean you loose all sence of life that you once had....)

I'm not at all convinced that marijuana smoking causes aggression. Seen a lot of that with cocaine use and drinking, though. Back in the day ( was a teen in the 70's) you smoked, got the munchies, and eventually crashed and took a nap. The only time I saw a smoker get aggressive, was if they were doing other drugs or the weed was laced with something like angel dust. If someone has a mental problem, it's gonna be there, regardless. Since smoking distorts the senses, it's quite possible that you can get paranoid, some weed does that. The paranoia is temporary and will subside as a user gains a tolerance. As far as I know, long time smokers are not paranoid. But they may lose their ambition because weed slows you down and makes you feel lazy. Hoped this helped answer your question.

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