Under my eyelid has a bump, what is it?!

Question: I have a bump that almost looks like a pimple under my eyelid inside. What the hell could it be??

Answers: I have a bump that almost looks like a pimple under my eyelid inside. What the hell could it be??

It's probably a stye which is like a pimple or boil along the eyelash. It is a bacterial infection which usually gets filled with pus.

You could try to self treat by using warm compresses on your eyelid 4X/day or use used tea bags, still warm on your eyelid. The tannic acid from tea helps to dry out & burst the stye.

Be extremely careful about touching your hands to your eyes. Wash hands a lot.

You can take Aleve or Advil to relieve pain & swelling.

If it gets worse or doesn't go away in about 5 days, go to your opthalmologist.

Google: mayo clinic>>diseases>>stye
>>blepharitis another infection of the eyelid.

It could be a small cyst....go see your dr. about it if your really concerned...

its just a cyst chill there almost always harmless

The bump under the eyelid may be an eye infection - a collection of pus within the connective tissue. It causes pain and needs treatment.
If it's not painful - might not be an infection, but a tiny tumorous growth of some of the tissues (mainly benign).
Go have it checked out, the causes of such a growth (infectious or not) may lie in a particle of some sort that has entered inbetween the eyeball and the lid and causes irritation, to which a bumpy formation is a reaction.

Its probably a harmless cyst. My mom actually got one taken out today. It seems very painful. I would go to the doctor and see what he says.

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