Problem with myself?!

Question: For the past 4 weeks i have had sharp pains coming from my right lower back, i can't remember falling or hurting it at all. I do remember running in the park 1 day and the next morning it was hurting. It's hard to breathe, sneeze, cough, lay down, get up, laugh. It just hurts! I went to the doctor and she said it was nothing and that if i am still having 1 week later come and see her, and they'll take more xrays. Anybody have an idea what it could be?

Answers: For the past 4 weeks i have had sharp pains coming from my right lower back, i can't remember falling or hurting it at all. I do remember running in the park 1 day and the next morning it was hurting. It's hard to breathe, sneeze, cough, lay down, get up, laugh. It just hurts! I went to the doctor and she said it was nothing and that if i am still having 1 week later come and see her, and they'll take more xrays. Anybody have an idea what it could be?

sometimes, if you are a person who is not used to intense exercise, or to excercise at all, when you do(or start a rutine of) something like running, hiking, or playing any sport, without a proper warm up, your bones and muscles, are just not used to it, and your whole body tends to sore until you get used to do that happens to me whenever i spend a lot of time out of tennis class...when i go back, it hurts!!

just try to excersise slowly, run first just 10min, and then increase some every week....

hope it helps! trust your doctor too! he knows better...


Possibly a urinary tract infection or blockage. Are you drinking enough water?

it sounds like a strained muscle to me, you could have slept funny and the running irritated it, take it easy and if it doesnt start to feel better go back.

Go to the chiropracter and get an adjustment
It worked for me.

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