How to get EPSOM SALT in Canada?!

Question: i guess you can't buy it in a drug store, or can you? or maybe you could get it from pharmacy? would you need a prescription? what exactly its going to be called? any ideas?

Answers: i guess you can't buy it in a drug store, or can you? or maybe you could get it from pharmacy? would you need a prescription? what exactly its going to be called? any ideas?

Epsom salts do not require a prescription and are chemically called "magnesium sulfate". I get mine at a local bulk food store called "Bulk Barn". A quick check of their website shows none in BC though but I'm sure there are probably other bulkists in your area who would have it available to you or would order it in. Short of that, I have seen it at Shopper's Drug Mart too but it's MUCH more expensive there. If you only need a bit, that would be a good way to go.

go to a health store

Yes you can get it at any store at all... Im on PEI and we have them at Shopper's Drug Mart and you don't need a prescription to get them.

You should be able to get it in a drug store. You could always call ahead to see if they have it. I get mine at a drugstore, but I'm in the U.S.. It will say Epsom Salt right on it. They sometimes come packaged in bags or milk-type cartons. It is inexpensive and no prescription is required.

It is also known as Magnesium sulfate. In the US, you can get bags or boxes of it (3 lbs) at the pharmacy.

Go to a drug store and buy them. I get mine at Zeller's pharmacy. No prescription needed. If you can't find them, just ask the pharmacist.

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