What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? I've tried so many times?!

Question: I've tried to quit smoking going cold turkey and with the gum. The longest I've quit is about 2 months, it sucks!

Answers: I've tried to quit smoking going cold turkey and with the gum. The longest I've quit is about 2 months, it sucks!

never replace one habit with another. get rid of the gum....

learn how to enjoy everything without a cigarette.....talk yourself into believing you enjoy things better without a cigarette. they mind needs to be reprogrammed, that is all...

Acupuncture is really Great! especially for trying to quit smoking! Many of my friends quit after about a month of acupuncture. It really works.

try not to buy smokes when you shop.
ring a quitline to help you.

I quit 3 years ago after 25 years and trying for a long time. For me it was a health scare and my attitude. But it took me years to finally give up to not even having a social smoke. Hanging around smokers was the hardest and places like bars, so I avoided these things for as long as I could. I also used to cut my cigarettes in half. It felt weird to not have a cigarette with a drink, so I cut down on my drinking as well. I also made a rule never to smoke before 6.00pm and only outside away from others. I felt like a naughty schoolgirl at parties when I would sneak away for one until I realised it was becoming socially unacceptable in my group. This helped. But the fear of having an operation due to smoking and stress stopped me cold. Not that i would wish this on you, but perhaps visit your doctor for a check up or better, visit the respiratory ward at a hospital. I was visiting my Dad there and the things you see!!!!

Try again cold turkey. Then you can try Wellbutrin (or Zyban) to lower cravings & mood swings.
Chantix makes cigarettes taste terrible.
I believe acupuncture also works.

The more times you try to quit the more successful you will be.

Tips from Amer. Lung Assoc.

Cut straws in 1/2. Suck on them. Smokers are used to taking in more air than nonsmokers.
Snack on celery & carrot sticks. Suck on sugarless hard candy or sugarless gum.
Change habits...ie: if you have coffee & a cigarette after dinner, change to tea, etc.

Best of luck to you.

Go search the Internet for pictures of lungs with tuberculosis and cancer. Print them with a caption, "This is the future of my lungs!" Post it on a wall where you can always see it when you have a strong urge to smoke. For me I quit when my father die during my watch in a hospital. He was a chain smoker since his youth. He can hardly breathe as if he is drowning, potion of his lungs hardened from nicotine and would not expand when he tried to breathe. I know he is a very good swimmer but this time there is no water but he appeared to be sinking and his breath is getting shorter each time he get some air. I know how to swim too but this time, how can I save him from drowning? But I know I can save myself, so I quit smoking. while it is not too late.

Perhaps the nicorette activestop program might help.

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