Should weed be lagalized?!

Question: whats ur opinion?

Answers: whats ur opinion?


It would be better for marajuana to be legalized. I do have a very valid argument for this.

First, organic marajuana has much less health consequences than tobacco or alchohol. All that marajuana can do is cause lung diseases and emphasema. As far as I know, pot can't give you lung cancer. (((and marajuana smells a hell of a lot better than tobacco)))

Second, if a drug like this would be legalized, there would be less danger and more government regulation. When anything is on a black market, who knows if it is truly organic. Every person that handles the marajuana probably adds a little bit of something to it (like Italian seasoning or another green leaf) to add quantity. The more quantity that a dealer can sell, the more the dealer makes. Therefore, very few people have taken a drug in its true form.

Third, if pot would be legal, it would be much cheaper. The government could tax the hell out of it and the consumer could still purchase it at around the same cost. If the government would put a good tax on pot, that in itself could solve our national debt problem... lol...


As with all of the "safer" drugs, I believe that they can be legalized (or at least decriminalized) and have VERY VERY stiff penalties for those who violate laws like driving while under the influence. This will keep drug use in the home, instead of in public, therefore, users wouldn't be a public nuisance.



are you high right about now?
because its spelled Legalized

yes it should be it saves lives everyday

First you should learn how to spell before you ask questions..

absolutley not! a drug is a drug.

yeah free the weed. it's up to you if you smoke it o why not

No, and I assume you meant "legalized".

The private behavior of adults is not the business of the government, unless it directly harms others in some way.


No. But I do agree it has medicinal properties. I am proof of this. My epilepsy is controlled by it.

yes definetly, it doesnt hurt any more than cigarettes, and the effects are basically, laugh a lot, relax and listen to good music. Whats the harm in that?

Personally I'm unsure, you see the thing is beer and cigarettes kill more then weed but weed impaires you which isnt good either. If they legalized weed they may be more teen drug problems then there already are. If you can set an age to the minimum age like 19 then Fine it should be legalized. but yea still unsure

Yes. People smoke it and the drug sellers make all the money, and people are going to always smoke it so the government should make sure that it is grown properly, that it is packed properly and that they get the takes on the sale like liquor and tobacco.

i don't smoke it anymore. i think it is essentially ok if you like it in, MODERATION. alcohol is worse and well tobacco is a whole lot worse. so yes it should be legalized, sold in stores with an age limit of 21.

a few years ago i would have said yes ...but now i've seen too many people have bad side effects from smoking weed on a regular............for example paranoia and depression....

Does it matter - would you do it any more or less if it was, do you smoke, drink? Those are legal and people still choose not too. I don't like to get high - but i have no problem with people doing it....I really don't have a problem with people doing most drugs as long as addiction doesn't form though so I guess my only thought would be weed what next? Do I think heroin should be legal not really, coke maybe who's to say? That's why I think they keep it illegal because they can't answer the whats next, can you? Cause I can't. And yes I know all the reasons why they shouldn't be but I still think recreational drug use is fine age appropriately.

If it were we may be a bit safer than smoking some pot that is treated becuse it would not sell otherwise...Do you think it is a good thing to smoke amonia or some other chemical we are not familiar with because the dealer got burnt.

I think that it should be legalized ! If people are legally allowed to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes then I definitely believe marijuana should be legalized ! It is less harmful then either of the others !! It is a plant there is nothing foreign about its properties there is no tar it is all natural !!! I think everyone should have the right to come home and rip a couple tubes !!!!! and not have to worry about going to jail because they did !!!!!

Yes. The prohibition of alcohol in the 1930's proved to be a total failure, and so has the prohibition of pot. Making something illegal only moves it's commerce to the black market, giving the government no control over it. By making it legal, it's potency and sale could be regulated. This would remove the criminal element. Most violent drug crimes aren't committed by the end user, but by the dealers, and that is the real problem.

of course it should be. Weed has never directly killed anyone, and overdosing is almost impossible. yet hundreds of thousands die from cigarettes and hundreds of thousands more from alcohol related diseases. Honestly, yes marijuana impairs, but so does alcohol. yes its bad for the lungs, but so are cigarettes. The only thing that the gov't is doing right now is putting non-violent offenders away for possessing a natural herb. This is just my opinion, but i was taught that u put someone in a room surrounded by bars and guards because they are a threat to society. i dont think the local head shop customer would be anymore of a threat than joe schmoe down the street. Hell yes legalize it, let's stop arresting and just accept it as what it is, a relaxant that people use to feel good. What we do in our homes is our business, and i feel that smoking some ganja is better than some of the stuff that goes on in homes thats legal, so just get it out of drug dealers hands and into stores by regulating, not prohibiting, which doesnt work (See alcohol in the twenty's and thirty's). Make it legal for 21 year olds and over and just let it be.

Yep, millions of people already use it already. It doesn't kills people....... It just leads to drugs that do. Keep those drugs illegal, and put marijuana on the market!!!!!!!

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