Is It Okay To Fake Sick Once? How Would I Make It Beleivable?!

Question: Is It Okay To Fake Sick Once!? How Would I Make It Beleivable!?
so i am in grade 8
okay, so i am like a straight a's student

i just want a day off
i am going to crack
there is to much stress
i am involved in soo much in and out of school
i just cant take it much more
i want just one day to gather myself
and then ill be fine for the rest of the year

i have never faked sick in my life
is it ok just once!?
how would i do it!?
i am an actress btw so i can act quite well
i dont want to make myself sick
i have premade realistic fake vomit i can use

i am a girl
should i fake bad cramps!?
my dad is laid back
he would believe it
but he might get worried
if he does id feel sooo bad

dont tell me not to do it
tell me how to do it
convince me not to feel guilty
or chiken out

my dad is really laid back
i havent spooken to my mom in half a year

i have to much in my life going on
i want a day to ly in bed
to get my act together
to reguvinate myself to my former peppyness

please help!

no problem!
first its not realy ok to lie!. and faking is a lie!. just tell your parents the trueth!. "if i go to school today i might end up haveing a nerviouse break down!. i'm not joking here!. and ou know the thing you and i have been talking about!? well you should tell them about that too!. they will totaly understand!. mine have, and alot of my friends parents as well!. go for it!. every one needs what i call "a mind day"!. a day were your mind and body get to rest!.

good luck!. and god bless (yeah i know politicaly incorrect!. te hee)Www@Answer-Health@Com

b4 u goto bed say oh dad, mum i'm really dizzy, then say i'm going to bed!.
come down a bit later and say i need a glass of water, then hold your head once you've got your drink!.
gd luck

I would say to go to school and say you got food sickness, then you can use your vomit you made!. This is believable and your dad would have to come get you because if you throw up you have to go home!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow you are very uptight!. I would fake a headache or cramps if you like!. Dont try too hard!.

You really have never done this before!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Umm, saturday and sunday sound like great days to take off school!. You could just tell your dad you don't feel sick at all and stay home for 2 days!.!.!. And it works every week!!!!!!!! Or just tell your dad, you're stressed and want a day off!. If you're really that stressed I think he'd understandWww@Answer-Health@Com

wear a BUNCH of cloths and get really hot take most of them off and ask your dad if your head feals hot and then tell him your stomach hurts alot the night before school!. In the morning act very sluggish and try not to get out of bed have him come in and tell him you don't want to go to school works for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why don't you just ask your dad if you can take a day off for the reasons you stated!. If he is laid back like you say he is, then he should understand!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is what i do!.!.!.!.!.Rub ur eyes realy hard, squeeze ur nose!. this would make you look sick!.(oh and pat ur cheecks a little hard)

to make u have a fever put irsh spring soap under ur arms that will higher ur temperture!. bt it wnt make u sick!.

thats all!.!.!.!. and its okay dont feel guiltyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah, I do it once in a while too and I'm a good student!. Sometimes you just need a day off!. Go for the cramps!. Your dad would probably totally believe you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your only in 8th Grade!! there are worse things out there! I would just deal with it if i were you!! Just take a nice long hot bath and relax!. Skipping school isnt worth it and you could get into big trouble if you got caught!!Its the weekend!. Take these next couple days to chill!. mellow out with some friends!. Lay in bed all day!.!. Hope it helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

First recommendation!.!.!.!.tell your dad you need a day off!. If you have straight A's are involved all that good stuff, I bet he would let you!. My daughter also has straight A's and is involved in lots of stuff and every now then I let her take a day off!. I work hard and every now and again I take a day off!. Bet your dad does too!. Everyone needs a break from time to time!.

Be reasonable when you ask - don't get all dramatic and freak out (dads hate that)!. The worst that can happen is he says no!.

If he says no, then go with Plan B - the cramps!. No dad wants to know too much about that (I speak from experience)!. Its easy!. You won't need your fake vomit and you don't have to make up a bunch of other stuff that will just get you busted!.

Good luck!. Relax!. Try not to explode!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


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