Is there a way i can grow more then im suppose to?!

Question: Is there a way i can grow more then im suppose to!?
im 15 and 5'6
the doctor said i should grow to be around 5'11 or 6'0
i find that to be short though!.!.
i know its better then most height's but i want to atleast 6'3!.
my mom is 5'3 and dad is 6'2

its weird cause im the shortest!.
cause my sister is 5'7 and my bro is 6'3
why is it that im going to be small like this!? lol
is there ANYTHING i can do to grow to my max!?
please help me!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey Bo!. The answer is a little bit long and has to do with genetics and environment factors like nutrition and physical activities you perform!. Your final height SHOULD be +/- 3 inches your father's height, and the same for your sister but in relation to your mother!. Now lets acknowledge that the present generation is a little bit taller in average than the preceding one (your parent's one)!. So, given that your sister's and brother's height are perfectly normal (although you didn't mention their ages)!. You have a way to run yet, not that long, but still have some inches left to grow, about 6% of your actual height according to NCHS's growth charts!. Now if you started your growth spurt a little later you have more chance to reach your desired 6'3, otherwise you should be reaching a final height of 5'10-5'11 (which is 2-3 inches taller than me anyways haha), perfectly NORMAL height, and totally in the average of US adult population!.
PS: You can compare your height with your brother's at the same age (assuming he's older than you) and do the math!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are lucky to be as tall, as the doctor predicts, who know you may even grow and be 6'3! and no, you cant, its your body!Www@Answer-Health@Com


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