What age is considered old?!

Question: What age is considered old!?
im 30 soon well next december do you lot think that is old !?
if not what age is old for u !?
let me knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

Calendar age and real age are two different things!. Go to a fitness club and you will see 24 year old men that are weak and tired and you will find 50 year old men that are strong and full of energy!. Some men are old at 30 while others are old at a much greater age!.

Genetics has something to do with this but it's mostly a question of diet and lifestyle as well as self respect!. If a man has abused his body all his life then he must accept the consequences of his choices!.

You're 30 so it's not too late to get in shape and change your life style so as to make up for any mistakes you may have made!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your only old if you say you are!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Age is nothing but a #, it doesn't mean a lot of stuff people give it credit 4!.!.!.!.!.!.!.If you feel young then i say your young, if you feel old then your old!.<ok, maybe thats not exactly fair> can't explain it!. If you have a youthful spirit, then you will 4ever be young 2 me!

But age is nothing but a # and you are what you say you are, so if say your 21 then got doggit your 21!. So there humpf!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are not old!. well maybe you feel that way because 30 is like many years away from 29 because it's a 'decade birthday'!. i am turning 30 next year too but i don't feel old!. maybe it's all really in the mind!. if you feel young, no matter how big your age is, nothing really matters but how you feel about yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it depends on the person!. my boss is 66!. i have a customer at the bar i work in who is 78!. that's almost 80!. but he is in great shape, running around, drinking beer, having a blast!. he seems younger than my boss!. my husband is 36!. i'm 23!. so i tease him about being old all the time!. but he's not!. it just depends!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, you all!. Quit picking on us 60 year olds!. :-) Frankly I feel quite young!. You 30 year olds on the other hands are beginning to look like upper classmen in high school!.

I would have to say that at 80-90 I will acknowledge being old! In the meantime, please refrain from calling 60 year olds, old!. We have feelings too!. ;-)

Pastor JohnWww@Answer-Health@Com

"Old" is in the eye of the beholder!. If someone is 20 or younger, then 30 is old!. For someone 40 or older, it is most definitely NOT old!. At my age (54), 30 is ever so young - I remember being in my 30s and it was the best time ever!

Have a great decade!Www@Answer-Health@Com

None of us are old!. We are all but children!.

But in relation to the human life span, no you are not old!. Once you hit around the 60 mark, you can be considered elderly!.

You are grown, but still relatively young!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am 57, and I don't feel old!. I think you're as old as you feel!. I cerainly don't think 60 is old, like one of your answerers said!. My Mother-in-law is 80, and she doesn't seem old to me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

in all respect 30 plus is mature by all means!.
that is a good thing!. !.!.!.yes/no!?

i dont ink 30 is old but anything over 60 id consider old but age dosnt matter its how young you feel!!
age is mind over matter!.

if you don't mind it dosnt matter!.

You are old when you have experienced all that the World has to offer!. Are you more experienced than when you were 10!? 20!?
Think how rounded but still inexperienced you will be at 40, 50, 60!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Anyone older than me is old! Anyone younger is a child!
( I am 47 )
I suspect this is what most people think!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think the age is 75 is old!. But you know!.!.!.!. some people that are old look very young for their age!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

50 in my opinionWww@Answer-Health@Com

60 is old!.Www@Answer-Health@Com



804!.!.!.!.no 805Www@Answer-Health@Com

no I think old is like 60Www@Answer-Health@Com

i'm 16 and to me 40 is kinda like young old its old but not anceintWww@Answer-Health@Com

These days probably!.!. 80 is old!. :)) My grandma is 77 and she's still working!. Hahaha!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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