Are my kidneys failing?!

Question: Are my kidneys failing!?
10 mounts ago I tulk a hole bottle of ibuprofen and it made me sic now my back hurts allot when I drink and I have to piss all the time and Im wordy about my kidneys!.!.!.!.!.I was trying to kill my self back then now I'm the happies iv ever been and I'm rely wordyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Congratulations on being so happy!

You may or may not have a problem with your kidneys or something else, you won't know for sure until you see a doctor!. The sooner, the better!.

Please remember, life is filled with good times and bad!. In the sad times it's much better to talk with someone than to give up!. There are aways people who care, even if they don't always seem to!.

take care & best wishesWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you're drinking a lot, you'll pee a lot!.
The back pain could be kineys or if on your right side could be your liver!.

Go to MD & get a blood test & ask specifically to include test for kidneys & a liver panel!.

Don't worry till you have to!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

you write like a 6 year old, how old are you!? if you are worried about your kidneys see a doctor!. we cant tell you whether your kidneys are failing or not!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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