Motion sickness and IBS?!

Question: Motion sickness and IBS!?
Ugh my mom and sister are making me go to my dads and brothers and they live 6 hours away from me!. I get sick in the car especially long rides but my sister doesn't care and my mom doesn't want to hear it from my sister about me not going!. I am DREADING it because I know I will get sick!. A part of me hopes they I will get really sick so I can throw up in her new car!. What can I do about this!?

Also I know I have IBS but I have not been diagnosed and I am really worried that I will have a flare up!. What can I do to limit the chances of having a flare up!? I am going to start taking a fiber supplement everyday again and drink just water nothing else!. I was thinking about just eating soup and sticking to bland foods also or maybe not eating at all!. I have major anxiety issues with this!. I was even thinking about making an appointment with my doc before I leave so I can get some anxiety meds and maybe that will help the IBS but (cont)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Let's just say I was exactly where you were many yrs ago!. Dreading going anywhere unless I was driving!.!.(as then if I needed to pull over I knew I could, etc) - For road trips!.!.!.I would either not eat (or hardly anything) for a day or so!.!.!.and then eat when I got where ever I was going!. I would also take an immodium the night before as well!. Depending on who you are going with!.!.!.just be matter of fact about it!. Tell them!.!.!.I have IBS!.!.!.so if I tell you I have to go to the bathroom!.!.!.I HAVE to go! :o) I even kept a roll of toilet paper in the trunk! lol!.!.!.actually I know so many people with funny stories about this same issue!.!.!.people you don't even know that have the same problem!.!.!.!.

So this is a short term solution for this time around!. In the mean time!.!.!.start taking some acidophilus capsules daily (when you get back -health food stores) as they help with the bacteria in the bowel that can cause IBS!.!.!.fiber helps!.!.!.but not going to 'get rid of it' - Good luck my dear!.!.!.and don't tell yourself you will get sick already! Your mind has more control than you think!.!.!.instead say!.!.!."I'm relieved that I can make stops if I need to and that I can suck on crystalized ginger (any store) to keep the motion sickness from bothering me" In other words, DON'T talk yourself into being sick!

Ps!.!.!.I also took herbs for the anxiety & IBS when I had the problem!.!.helped alot too!Www@Answer-Health@Com

For the car sickness there are plenty of over the counter meds that work well!. As for your IBS Just broth on Thursday and you will be good to go Friday!. Take along plenty of water!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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