Breast exam question?!

Question: Breast exam question!?
i'm an 18 year old girl
i had a breast exam at a doctor 1!.5 years ago and it was fine :)
( i had the exam because i was worried)
anway today i don't know why but i did a self exam to myself but i don't know what to consider normal and what's not ( i don't do selfs exam alot !.!.!.!. in fact i did only 3-5 times in my life )
so as i was doing the exam !.!.!. the surface is ok and the shape is normal to me but when i push my fingers deeper i feel something rough and big in both is this normal tissues !?
i can't feel the ending of it i just feel something rough like small grapes maybe !?!? im not sure how to discribe it !.!.!.!.!.
all i can say is
- when i push my fingers deep but not sooo deep
- in both of my breasts
- not painful but irritating when i touch

i'm not pregnant
my peroid is due in a week
and i just what to know what i look for !?!? how deep should i look !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

At your age, your breasts are very dense!. That's why mammos are not done til women are 40 years old, normally!.
Sounds like you have fibrocystic breasts!. I have this, too, as do many women!. It is usually inherited!.

Unless you have a family history of breast cancer, you should not concern yourself with worry over this!. Any "pushing deep" is going to be irritating!. Breast exams are not done by pushing deep!.

Breast exams should not be done anymore often than once a month, about a week after your menses!. Doing it more often does not allow you to feel anything "new," but checking once a month, will allow you to feel anything "new," that wasn't there a month ago!.

Listen to the doctor!. You are fine!. Don't make problems where there aren't any, sweet girl! The following info will help you to do a proper five-step-exam!. Use this the rest of your life!.

The Five Steps of a Breast Self-Exam

Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips!.

Here's what you should look for:

breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color
breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling
If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor's attention:

dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin
a nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking out)
redness, soreness, rash, or swelling
Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes!.

Step 3: While you're at the mirror, gently squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for nipple discharge (this could be a milky or yellow fluid or blood)!.

Step 4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast!. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few fingers of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together!.

Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side

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