Barium swallow and constipation??!

Question: Barium swallow and constipation!?!?
I'm 13 yrs old and I'm going to have a barium swallow tomorrow!. For days before, I haven't been able to go number 2 because all I could eat was ice cream due to swallowing problems!.

I was wondering that if after the test, if I do not poop because I can't eat anything but ice cream, but I drink a lot of water, if that will be enough to clear the barium out of my system because I'm scared of the symptoms that could happen if it doesn't clear out of my system!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The doctor may give you a laxative!. Don't worry the barium will turn your poop white!. If you have trouble going even with the laxative (takes anywhere from 6 hours or more to work sometimes) then go back in to the doctor!.

Water is used more to make your poop soft!. Fiber is what gives it bulk to help leave the intestines faster!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Barium can stop you up ask for a stool softener like Colace which you can buy over the counter!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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