How long after quitting smoking weed?!

Question: How long after quitting smoking weed!?
I cut back drastically, and smoked once yesterday, and am focused on that being it!. I haven't gone more then 3 weeks with out smoking for 8 years, I averaged once a day for a while!. Any time I got stressed, or something got difficult I burnt till I "made it better!. With out it I can't focus, stay awake, or interested in much!. My focus esp is really bad!. But the level of anti-social I reach high, the way I interact, and the way I've kept good people at an arms length, is enough to make me quit for good!. After 30 days or so will how I feel start to change, will I have any focus, energy or passion again!? I really need advice here!. Last night I had vision/thought or whatnot, I'm not the person I'm supposed to be, I've known that for a while, and then passed the joint back around!. Will things change, or is it truly a harmless drug I'm scapegoating for all my problems in life!?!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

youve become psychologically dependant on it!. after a while your sleeping patterns will get back to normal and you will adjust!. you will feel better, i promise mate!. well worth doing, keep it up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Quitters never win!

Just kidding!.!.!.!.!. you'll start to feel normal soon enough!. Get back into exercising and eatting a more healthy diet!.

Some people are predisposed to being physically dependent on the effects of marijuana!. Others claim to be addicted to it, but it's not truely addiction but rather a dependence!.

I never understood why people smoked massive amounts of weed all day long!. It should only take you a bowl or joints-worth to get you high!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

don't make any excuses just stop!. Other people have problems too do you see them bitching about it and turning to weed!. No!. To start with get rid of it all!. Get rid of any thing that will remind you of it such as Bob Marley posters, cigerettes, ash trays!. etc!. Cut back on sweets, soda they make you antsy for a burn!. and don't ever say just one more then ill stop!. If you really want to stop build up the resolve and cut it out!. And weed is not harmless at all!. Not only does it make you an idiot by ruining you short term memory and retarding your brain cells, it is a gateway drug that will open up a path to others, a path of a life of misery and ultimately death!. even if you don't revert to other drugs smokin one joint is like smokin 20 cigs at once!. So if you don't stop you will die!. And if your a teen what the hell do you plan to do after you leave school live with your mom till you die!. If you continue smokin no 1 will hire you and you will either be kicked out of your house by your mother or you'll live there forever!. If you quit, if you truly quit things will get better but if you "pretend" to quit and just say o i'll only have one today, nothing will change and you will be a loser all your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like my life, man!. I have been smoking for about 11 years and usually don't like to go more than about 2 weeks without it, but sometimes I can only go like a day or 2 before I start getting REAL stressed (scary sometimes) and need to smoke again!. I did quit for almost 2 years when I met my future wife in 2000, and it wasn't too bad after staying clean for a few months!. You learn to deal w/ it and you find other things to keep you occupied!. Eventually it just seems like a good memory that you really don't care to experience again!. But when things get really tough (my wife turned into a controlling, rude, and downright hateful woman, and I have 2 kids under the age of 5, an hour and 1/2 commute each way in downtown Dallas, and a scrooge for a boss), many people turn back to the reefer rather quickly!.!.!.

So, yes you will feel better after time, but you're also a big stoner like myself, so prepare yourself - it's going to be an uphill battle from here on out!. You have experienced the benefits of marijuana, and you know that life is generally more "fun" after getting high!. You know from personal experience that smoking weed is not as dangerous as the media and the government make it out to be!. I know some very successful and driven people who are not "bad" people at all, and they smoke all the time!.

I personally use it to deal w/ life's problems and childhood issues, and it seems to help!. Kind of like people who are on meds for anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, etc!. Weed is basically a natural form of medicine to help you deal w/ your issues!. It is a "drug", but so is Tylenol!. I can understand why chemically manufactued illegal drugs like cocaine, exstacy, and meth are illegal!.!.!.they are dangerous because you never really know what chemicals have been added!. But weed is weed!. It's a plant!. It's a naturally occuring substance that was put on earth by the same creator (God) that created all the other plants, animals, humans, etc, etc!. Why is it illegal!? Too many conservatives in positions of power, that's why!. For health reasons, I really do know I need to quit or at least cut down drastically, plus my wife hates it and most of my family would die if they knew I smoked (not too many other liberal thinkers in my family)!. It does, however, increase my preformance at work, it gives me a boost of energy, and it makes me a generally easy-going person and much more sociable!. It kills the "nerves" or awkwardness that I used to feel as a child when in social situations, before I started smoking!. Smoking pot occasionally is not morally wrong in my opinion, but being addicted to anything is a sign of weakness in some area of your life!. They always say moderation is key, and too much of ANYTHING is bad!.

So anyways, good luck man!. If you really want to quit, I applaud your decision and I hope you can be a stronger person that I am!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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