How can you tell someone is on cocaine? i.e. within a few minutes of snorting it!

Question: How can you tell someone is on cocaine!? i!.e!. within a few minutes of snorting it!?
My partner recently informed me that they have tried cocaine once in the past but don't do it anymore!. Now they do ecstasy but have said they will stop due to our relationship!. I want to know what the symptoms of cocaine abuse, because I think they may have done some at a party one night even though we were together!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dialated pupils, voice changes - it's harder to squeeze your voice out!. Snorting usually leads to nose rubbing and congestion, sometime random nose bleeds, but cocaine can be smoked, too!. First thing to look for (while someone is high) would be pupils, because you can't hide that!. If someone has a high tolerance or is able to control his reaction, other signs may not be as easily spotted!. If your partner is into drugs and drug experimentation and you are not, maybe you should look for someone with more in common with you!. There are people out there and a smart person like you deserves to not worry about a loved one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sniffles, gittery, talkative, wont sit or stand still, always on the go!. And the obvious powder around the nose!. My Uncle had a serious problem and it led to him taking his life over it!. So I'm very aware when someone has been doing it!.
Hope he really quits, bad stuff to get in to!. If he doesn't drop him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There's normally a little residue around the nose!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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