Need help. ez 10 pts?!

Question: Need help!. ez 10 pts!?
15yo smoking addict!. how 2 quit!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its all in your head!.!.!. nothing works better than a stone cold resolve to quit

All of the products available are geared towards "weening" you off nicotine!. The truth is, if you can get throught the 1st 3 days the nicotine is out of your system!.

The hard part is breaking the habit, not kicking the addiction!. Its the after meal, or driving, or with your coffee habits that are hard to break!. Your mind is used to having them, so it keeps telling you that you are forgetting something!. You have to resolve to quitting, and follow through!. After a week or two, you will get the occasional urge!.!.!. the worst is created by anti-smoking ads on tv!.!.!. but you have to find something else to do instead!. Chew gum!.!.!. eat candy, fruit, peanuts!.!.!. something to give you something to do that is not smoke!.

It all starts at willpower!. Oh yeah, you have to not drink for awhile too!.!.!. since the two go hand in hand, and theres nothing like a few beers to make you say!.!.!. oh Ill just have oneWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you can figure out what it is that caused you to smoke in the first place, you might well find it easier now to quit!. The nicotine is only one factor, desire is the other and larger one!. If you can make your desire to quit larger and more important than your desire to smoke, then you will be able to summon the discipline to give it up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Nicorettte my friend! Smoking is an oral fixation, you need to keep your mouth occupied, keep some candy or whatever you like to eat near by!. Lolly pops work really good!. When your feeling on edge, and dying for a smoke, drink some tea it will calm you down and give your mouth something to do!. Plus the less you sit around, doing nothing watching tv the more you'll want to smoke!. Get out and do something active!. Dont drink any booze or smoke any green stuff, it will only make you crave a cigarette!. Honestly I dont think quitting cold turkey is a good idea tho, thats how most people relapse and end up smoking a whole pack in one day! ween yourself off, I mean only have 4 a day and cut it down from there if your already a big smoker!. Smoke one in the morning, one in the after noon, one after dinner, and maybe one before bed!. Plus you dont get that same "buzz" if you smoke one an hour after the first, it takes a few hours to get the cigg buzz again!. Im sure you know what im talking about!. So really whats the point of smoking them constantly hour after hour if your not even getting anything out of it!. Once you can do this, start cutting the 4 a day back!. You have to have will power tho, if you start smoking more than 4, your letting the phycological oral fixation get the best of you!. Plus think of all the money you'll save!Www@Answer-Health@Com

just smoke one less cigarette every few days, until you're down to zero!. the only way it is going to work is if you are committed!. you can't let yourself slip up!. keep reminding yourself you don't need them and take it one day at a time!. btw, good for you for giving it up!. terrible habit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The gum, patches, some good positive coaching ( eg!. you can do it, I believe you can)

Stopping cold turkey is hard!. But try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day
So lets say you smoke 4 a day, smoke 3 a day, then 2 a day and then 1 a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some people are able to stop cold turkey!. Maybe you could try a patch or gum, but be careful because some people get addicted to the niccotine!. Maybe go to a hypnotist!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just stop!!! Smoking does not controll you, you cotroll smoking!. Why would you let smoking win!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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