Why do people smoke? I found that smoking is of no use and it only harms human b!

Question: Why do people smoke!? I found that smoking is of no use and it only harms human body!.!?
~Stars please if you like the question~Www@Answer-Health@Com

Jezam that's judgemental!.!.!.!. You have some nasty habits too!.
People smoke because it's a deeply ingrained cultural ritual that does, in fact, serve many purposes for people who smoke!. It 's social, it's structured, it makes those dopamine receptor light up and go pinG!!!!.
People start smoking in their teens- the years of forming an adult self!. By buying a brand, they buy a self image!. Do not for one second think that you don't do the same thing, just with different products!.
You think I'm lying!? Go to a college library and look it up in advertising!. Cigerette advertising was the most sophisticated propaganda ever developed- out and out brain washing!. In the 60's and 70's they had research psychiatrists on staff at the ad agencies doing Demon Tobacco's work!.
Today that know how is used to sell anti depressents people don't need, Ritalin, and a whole bunch of other pharmaceuticals!. The numbers don't lie!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It usually depends on the person!. Everyone has their own reason!. It might be peer pressure for a teenager which becomes a habit and some people smoke to relieve stress!. Then there's others that have smoked for so long and feel that they cannot stop!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree, no use at all!.
'They relieve stress' how lame, no they do not!. Cancer sticks ffs, put something else in your mouth if it relieves stress so much!.
I dont want to cause offense to any smokers by saying that ^ but i think cigarettes are a waste of money and time!.

mmk, im a teenager!.!.!.although i couldnt give two ***** about peer pressure!.!.!.

I got uber emotional and heard that they calm you down!.!.!. tried it!.!.wasnt too fussed, yet now im obsessed!.!.!. Yeah it ***** you up but you have to die somehow!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i love to smoke because its very relaxing there's nothing better then sitting in a comfortable chair and smoking a NewportWww@Answer-Health@Com

I wish other people wouth thing the same way to bad they do after they get cancerWww@Answer-Health@Com

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