Medicine for insomnia?!

Question: Medicine for insomnia!?
When I was little I used to not be able to go to sleep at all!. My doctor prescribed clonidine for my insomnia!. I was on medicine back then for ADHD, but I stopped taking all kinds a couple years age!. Now my insomnia is back and I can never get to sleep!. I want to go back to taking medicine because I could fall to sleep instantly with it, but my mom won't let me! Any advice on how to convince her because the school years about to start and I need the sleep!. It happened at the end of the school year last year and I ended up only getting about 3 hours of sleep!. Help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Keep pushing! Sleep is very, very important!. I have suffered from insomnia for almost twenty years!. It was HORRID going through school on such little sleep!. I also was diagnosed with ADD when I was 13!. I haven't taken medication for either in years (mostly due to having young children)!. Earlier this year I went on a gluten free diet for other reasons and both my symptoms of ADD and insomnia have almost completely disappeared!. Wow, what a difference! Www@Answer-Health@Com

Drugs will screw your brain up, just stop using the computer late at night, read in bed instead, with a small lamp!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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