I need advice from anyone who has successfully quit smoking?!

Question: I need advice from anyone who has successfully quit smoking!?
I have absolutely NO will power lol, and I'm so scared to quit!. I'm scared I'll just flip out and kill someone lol, I'm scared I'll gain weight, and mostly I'm just scared that I'll fail and I'll never quit smoking!

Has anyone successfully quit!? If so, HOW!? Personal stories and experiences welcome! Thanks so much!Www@Answer-Health@Com

the questions should be just how many times did you try to quit!?!?!? For me it was literally dozens, so if you do fail, you will not be any worse off than the rest of us who has tried and failed!.

The key is to keep trying, and if you truly want to quit you will when your ready to!. And for petes sake do not start taking vitamins to try and quit smoking!.!.!. talk about substitution!.!.!.!.When you start to get the urge to smoke do something that you normally would not do while smokeing!. Keep your hands busy and keep your mind busy!.!.!.

You will succeed!

I have tried quitting cold turkey more times than I can count!. I have tried "the patch" multiple times" I have tried Zyban and have tried the gum as well!. I have even tried the patch and Zyban!. All off these did not help me quit!. Not because they are not good products because yes I did cut back and so some would say that was a small victory for the time and I would agree with them!.

But I would eventually get back to where I was!. But that's the point "I" would go back it wasn't the quit smoking aids that went back it was me!. I eventually started a slow process where I went from a Marlboro Red down to lights/ ultra lights!. I know I know big deal right!.!.!.!. Well for each step down I made it was a small victory for me and I felt good about it!. So it helped!. This last time I tried has been the most successful I have even been!.

It started when I friend who is a OB/Gyn nurse asked if I had heard of or tried Chantix!. I said I hadn't and she left it at that!.!.!.!. Then one day a few eeks later I was just getting ready to pull into my drive and she was pulling out and through our vehicle windows she handed me a pamphlet on Chantix and said she wanted me to read it!. By this time i was curious about it and had asked about it and heard good things!. So I decided to read it!. I then talked to my wife about it to see if she had heard anything about it!. Went to our frined and asked her about it got the skinny ect!.!.!. So about a month later I decide I wanted to try it!. went to the doc he wrote the sript and started me off!.

Read the instructions and the first thing was keep smoking!.!.!. I said ok I have no problem there!.!.LOL take 1 pill once a day for a week then stop!. Hmmm ok getting leary here!. Sounds like a cold turkey thing to me!. But I tried and did ok for the first few hours of the second week!.!.!.!.
Still taking one pill a day but I decided I was going to do my bvest not to smoke but if i felt i really needed on then i had one!. Then I started week 3 2 pills a day!. At this point i decide it was more of a habit than a want one!. So I strecthed it out more!. this is when they started tasting bad but not bad enough cuz i still smoked em!. Now week four comes and I smoked the last cigarette in the pack and I said "I'm not buying any more!!!!" And I didn't!.!.!.!.!. Then about a month later had a stressful day and borrowed one!.!.!. Went home with my head hangin and told my very supportive wife I failed!. She didn't care she was happy i made it a month without a cigarette!. She just said its ok stay on the bike a continue riding!. So I got up the next day determined I would go longer!. I made it month damn it I can go longer!. I took my Chantix for 90 days like the doc said to and come this April it will have been 2 years without a smoke for me!.

I seriously believe that my friend and Chantix saved my life and helped me quit!. Without ether one I may have never heard of it!. So each year I plan on sending my frined flowers and athank yoiu for saving my life!.

It worked for me and it will work for you to!. Good luck a I'll be praying for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My dad was a smoker for about 15 or so years and he actually quit smoking on a bet with his brother to see who can not smoke the longest !. Though my dad quit by using the nicotine patch i don't know which one , though he was kinda grumpy for like a month or so and about a year later he's fine !. He was tempted to smoke one time , and i had to tell him to stop !. So i'm sure your family will support your decision !. My grandfather has tried to quit for 30 years and he can't ,he started to smoke at the age of 10(he got cigarettes from his older friends) and he's 56 now !. He has tried everything and i told him why can't he quit !? He said that smoking to him is like drinking water and he just simply can't !. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If I were were a smoker trying to quit, my strategy would not be to find the easiest way possible!. Rather, it would be to quit cold-turkey, endure all withdrawal symptoms no matter what, suffer for a couple weeks, and make a recovery!.

After all, if quitting is super-easy, you might be tempted to start smoking again!. You can always quit later! But if quitting is painful and difficult, yet you manage to endure it, it will be a significant achievement you won't want to throw away by starting again!.

PS: Drink plenty of water and take vitamins regularly during withdrawal!. Do not be tempted to substitute another drug (such as caffeine or diet pills) for the nicotine you're missing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes i had succesfully quitted smoking after smoking for 8 years and this happend because of my will power i took one packet of cigrate and decided this is going to be my last packet and no more will be there here after,i smoked one because i was knowing this is going to last,u should know that withdrawal symtoms are extremely bad they can make scream the walls down or pull out the hair,but keep the control on ur self and try chewing gums when ever u feel the addiction,honestly saying this had worked for me,its been over an month since i smoked,i mean the addiction is gone and feeling like heaven,Best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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