Wax in ear, cant hear...?!

Question: Wax in ear, cant hear!.!.!.!?
So I got some water in my left ear while showering last night and I guess some wax moved in there or something because now I can hardly hear from that ear and it's annoying at this point!.!.!.

I was wondering whats the best way to get the wax out!?
should I try some home remedies or just go to the local doctor!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have that all the time i just go to the Doctor and get it flushed out that's the best way to get it out goodWww@Answer-Health@Com

You could try putting a small amount of warm olive oil in your ear and pop some cotton wool in it to stop the oil coming out!. Sleep with it in if you can and by morning it should have shifted any wax!. You can also buy ear wax remover from the chemist - just ask the pharmacist which is best!. If this doesn't shift it go and see your gp or practise nurse to have them syringed!. It doesn't hurt and only takes a few minutes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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