How do i get rid of this really down feeling?!

Question: How do i get rid of this really down feeling!?
I'm feeling SO depressed!. Initially, the confusion started with my ex-boyfriend trying to control me!.!.!.now it's just a lot of drama concerning my roommates!.
How do i boost my mood!? Cause the way i feel is getting worse and i feel like there's no need to exist any longer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you tried working out, going to a gym or a yoga class or something!? Exercise is a good mood-booster!. So is trying something new, like taking an art class or reading a new book!. If your roommates are depressing you, try to steer clear of them!. Surround yourself with people who love you and will help you, maybe parents or siblings or other friends and family!. Listen to happy music!. You could always keep a journal, sometimes just writing out your feelings makes you feel better!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your words "no need to exist any longer" are a soft way of suggesting that you have suicidal thoughts or feelings!. If that's the case, please seek out professional help!. Call a suicide prevention hot-line!. Or Google suicide prevention + your city's name to find local resources to help you!. Don't underplay the severity of your feelings!. Trust me, I lost my soulmate to suicide 6 months ago, and he never admitted he was even thinking about it!. He always said he could work things out on his own!. He couldn't, and it's tragic that things got so bad that he took his own life!.

In addition, it seems like your depression is aggravated by external circumstances: "drama concerning !.!.!.roommates!." If the situation with the roommates is pushing you deeper into depression, you need to do something right away to get out of that situation!. No situation like that is worth giving up on your own life!.

While finding ways to boost your mood is great, it is no subsitute for professional help in cases as serious as yours sounds!. Anything you do to boost your mood will probably not last if you don't get to the underlying source of the depression!. That said, it doesn't hurt to excercise, listen to good upbeat music, get sufficient rest, talk with people who care about you, get fresh air and sunshine, etc!.

Take care of yourself!.!.!.!. Ask for professional help! Sometimes things are too complicated to just work them out on our own!. I send you good thoughts and keep you in my prayers!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know its tough as I have been there recently myself!. Remember tomorrow everything will have a new light!. I always try to do something I love like watch my favorite show listen to my favorite music or call a friend and talk!. I really hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

watch a comedians stand up routine

like on hbo or look one up on you tube

they do it for a reason

always helps me :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

music is my escape
sit down and listen to weezer and cry and just relate to the singer, idk it works:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

pray and ask God to get u out of depression and into a state of happinessWww@Answer-Health@Com

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